Please note: The Diocese of St. Petersburg requires at least two years of consecutive Faith Formation, whether in a Catholic parochial school or parish Faith Formation program, prior to the celebration of the Sacraments. Sacramental Preparation Workshops Sacramental preparation programs are parish-based and those sacraments should be celebrated with the faith community in which the entire family worships and belongs. Sometimes it is the celebration of an important sacrament that becomes the catalyst for a family to re-connect with parish life. In such cases, it is important that the family connect with their local parish, nurture their involvement, and establish relationships with other parish families and households that will be sustaining for the whole family in the years after the celebration of a sacrament. For some it will indeed be Sacred Heart – but if you are not registered or active in a parish – please inquire about one of the many wonderful sacramental preparation programs at a parish close to home. Build the parochial ties that last for a lifetime! Parental Information
Sacred Heart offers preparation for the reception of the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist for the youth of our registered and active families. Sessions are held monthly throughout the year, from September through April, with the reception of the Sacrament celebrated during the winter and the spring.
Our sons and daughters are expected and required to participate in the scheduled workshops throughout the year. Workshops are typically held on Tuesday evenings, at 6:30 pm at the North Campus (3515 N. Florida Ave). Parents participate in these workshops as well. Attendance at all workshops is expected for this parish and family based experience of faith – including the Saturday morning retreats. The schedule, handbook and other materials are provided upon receipt of the registration.
We ask that parents attend the orientation session that explains the preparation process and serves as a great chance to meet other parents and ask questions. The date for the session is included with the materials mentioned above. You must be registered for the process prior to the orientation. The orientation must be attended by at least one parent desiring to enroll their child(ren) for preparation for the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist during the 2024-2025 Catechetical Year. Please contact Maria for additional information.