“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.” – Matthew 25:35-36
Sacred Heart’s vision, mission and values exude the desire and commitment of our parishioners to create meaningful connections with God, each other, and the greater Tampa Bay community. Our parish is blessed with more than two dozen ministries and social groups, many of which are focused on outreach and action within the community. These ministries are always in need of additional support, be it through donations of needed items or your time. If you’ve been praying about how to become more involved with your parish or the greater Tampa community, here are a few volunteer opportunities to consider:
Hands of Hope

Each Saturday, our Hands of Hope ministry gathers together to prepare a meal for our homeless neighbors and then distributes it downtown while offering friendship and fellowship to those we serve. A great way for families and teens to help those less fortunate and to spend some quality time with one another, Hands of Hope touches people in a variety of ways. Click to learn more.
Tampa Hope

Opened in 2021, Tampa Hope houses more than 100 local homeless in semi-permanent shelters while providing food, clothing, transportation, education, employment and benefits assistance, substance abuse and mental health counseling, basic medical care, and case management services in an effort to help reestablish permanent housing. Sacred Heart is an original partner of the facility located in East Ybor, and is looking to build out a network of volunteers to assist with daily meal delivery to the shelter. Breakfast and lunch deliveries require reliable transportation, and between 30 minutes to one hour of your time. If you are able to lend a hand to assist this vital mission, please call Tom Henry at 813-299-9869 for more information.