Regardless of age, Baptism is the first sacrament of Christian initiation. While typically celebrated with parents and their newborn infants, Baptism is also celebrated for adults through the Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA).
The Sacrament of Baptism is a wonderful opportunity for the Sacred Heart community to celebrate and welcome our newest members into the Body of Christ. We celebrate Baptisms as follows:
- As a community of families on the second Saturday of each month (10 a.m.)
- (Please note: There are Holy Days and holiday weekends when the Sacrament is not celebrated; check with the Parish Office about such times).
- During Sunday Masses and the Saturday Vigil Mass on the first and third Sundays of the month (except Solemnities such as Christmas, and during some special parish celebrations at particular Masses).
- Baptisms are not celebrated at Mass or in the community setting during Lent.
Baptismal Preparation classes for parents are required for all celebrations of Baptism.
- We ask that you pre-register for these classes.
- Please call the Parish Office at 813-229-1595 for more information and registration.
- We are privileged to celebrate many Baptisms with our families and so Baptismal classes can sometimes be completely full as much as two months in advance of the date of celebration.

Jennifer Williams
Staff Liaison
Baptism FAQsBaptism for Older
ChildrenBaptism of Adults/RCIABeing A Godparent