If you consider yourself outgoing, and you like to meet new people; if you enjoy mentoring others, especially the youth of our parish, you might just be the right person to join our team. We’re always looking for volunteers that have a welcoming heart and a friendly smile. University/Collegiate Partners | You can promote our Dinners as field trips or visits to our historic parish to your networks and home parishes/missions using the content linked below. For additional information, contact our communications department.The University of Tampa, University of South Florida, Saint Leo University, and Hillsborough Community College are host to thousands of Catholic students, most far from home and their family and friends. Our ministry welcomes many of them with a home-cooked meal and provides an opportunity for them to take a break from studying and other pressures of student life. We host dinners once a month in the St. Francis Hall, following the Sunday 5:30 pm Mass.