Altar Servers

Altar Servers help the priest throughout the celebration, providing reverent example for the rest of the congregation. They carry the processional cross and candles, hold the missal during the opening prayers, assist the priest as he receives the offertory gifts, and wash the priest’s hands as he prepares for communion, as well as maintain the sanctuary by setting up and cleaning up before and after Mass.

If your child is interested, and they have celebrated their First Eucharist and completed 4th grade, we invite them to become a member of our ministry. Adults are also welcome to serve.

  • Time Commitment:  As your schedule allows.
  • Responsibilities:  Prepare the altar prior to Mass; assist the priest during the celebration.
  • Training:  Training is provided upon joining as well as held periodically throughout the year.


Deacon Ray Ferreris
Staff Liaison
