The RCIA process at Sacred Heart is typically about nine-months long, beginning in the fall and ending shortly after the Easter Vigil Mass. During these months, sessions focus on an introduction into Scripture, the Catholic Creed, the Mass, the Sacraments, and other various topics such as Mary, the Saints, the Holy Spirit and Grace, and Catholic Social Teaching. Throughout the year, members participate in a weekly learning session, various Rites and Retreats, as well as weekly reflection on the Scriptures during one of the designated Masses. During these events, members are encouraged to ask questions and to come with an open mind, an open heart, and a desire to explore the Catholic Christian identity. Sessions Volunteers Needed
For more information, please contact Barbara in the parish office (813-229-1595, ext. 204)
If you are looking for ways to support those in our church who are exploring what it means to be Catholic or you enjoy the opportunity to continue to learn and explore your own faith, the RCIA team would love to have you join us.

Barbara Ferreris
Staff Liaison
RCIA Session TopicsQuestions?Registration Form