Sacred Heart continues to be a welcoming parish – our liturgies are full of energy and life, our parishioners come from more than 150 zip codes in and around the Tampa Bay area, and we continue to be a work-in-progress as we seek to offer holiness, healing, hospitality, and hope to those in our community.
As our ministries expand and become more robust in their offerings, we are taking a more active role in outreach to the larger community through Hands of Hope, St. Vincent de Paul, our growing partnership with Love INC (a local, charitable group founded by and largely supported through our parishioners), as well as through the work our our parish staff.
And thanks to your generosity, we are financially healthy in terms of our Sunday offertory and in meeting our ongoing support of the Dioceses of St. Petersburg through the Annual Pastoral Appeal (APA). In Fall of 2018, we proposed a vision for the parish in light of the dynamic growth of the downtown Tampa core. The True North Vision asked for your support of a vision to “live our mission and build our future,” and you responded positively and generously.
As such, the financial reporting year (July 2018 thru June 2019) was a good year for our parish. As of June 30, 2019, the funds available to the parish were:
– $331,678 (Parish Checking Account)
– $404,105 (Diocesan Savings & Loan Trust – unrestricted in use)
– $307,206 (Diocesan Savings & Loan Trust – restricted to True North & APA)
A summary of the last three years’ Statement of Activities, including FY19 which encompasses the time period of July 2018 thru June 2019, can be found below:
Note 1: Increased FY17 Building & Maintenance due to “Be Cool” air conditioning campaign.
Note 2: Increased Other Revenue in FY17, FY18, and FY19 due to the following:
– 1) One-time rebate from Diocese of St. Petersburg for “Forward in Faith” campaign (FY17),
– 2) Non-recurring incomes (ie, insurance payments received) (FY18),
– 3) True North contributions (FY19)
Note 3: Neither Revenue nor Expenses include Annual Pastoral Appeal (APA) funds.
Note 4: Increased Maintenance & Facilities expenses for:
– True North
– Church & Be Cool A/C Installation
– Capital Maintenance for North Campus
If you have questions about this report, please contact Larry Cabrera, Sacred Heart Business Manager, at (813) 229-1595 x211 or via email.
St. Peter urges us “like living stones, let yourselves be built into a spiritual house.” (1 Peter 2:5)
There is always work to do, but in the past year, we have solidified a great foundation for 2020 and beyond. Thank you for all that you do and for being a part of our vibrant parish community!