Laudato Si

Understanding Laudato Si

Laudato si’ (Praise Be to You) is the second encyclical of Pope Francis. The encyclical has the subtitle “on care for our common home.” The year 2020 is the fifth anniversary of its release. The title of the social encyclical is an Umbrian phrase from Francis of Assisi’s 13th-century “Canticle of the Sun” (also called the Canticle of the Creatures), a poem and prayer in which God is praised for the creation of the different creatures and aspects of the Earth.

This page hosts a series of videos by Fr. Daniel P. Horan, OFM, a Franciscan friar, author, and scholar, who provides viewers with an in-depth introduction to and commentary on Pope Francis’s encyclical, as well as presentations about science and religion, theology of creation, and Franciscan spirituality.

Welcome Video to the “Understanding Laudato Si” series of presentations:

Episode 1: “Models of Creation” (20:24)
In this first episode of “Understanding Laudato Si,” Fr. Daniel P. Horan, OFM introduces viewers to the three models or approaches to creation that have arisen over the course of Christian history. These different ways of interpreting sacred scripture and theology will help set the context for how we can approach and understand Pope Francis’s teaching in his encyclical letter

Episode 2: “Situating Laudato Si” (17:32)
In this second episode of “Understanding Laudato Si,” Fr. Daniel P. Horan, OFM opens with some insight into how to approach the encyclical in terms of the three models examined in the previous episode. Then he goes into the text itself by situating Laudato Si within the tradition of Catholic Social Teaching, highlighting the audience Pope Francis aims to reach, and setting up the material that follows in the rest of the text.


Episode 3: “What is Happening to our Common Home?” (15:29)
In this third episode of “Understanding Laudato Si,” Fr. Daniel P. Horan, OFM explores the first half of Chapter One. The three subheadings of Chapter One examined here include the themes of: (A) Pollution and Climate Change; (B) The Issue of Water; and (C) Loss of Biodiversity.

Episode 4: “Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor” (13:46)
In this fourth episode of “Understanding Laudato Si,” Fr. Daniel P. Horan, OFM explores the second half of Chapter One. The three subheadings of Chapter One examined here include the themes of: (A) Decline in the Quality of Human Life; (B) Global Inequality; and (C) Weak Responses.

Episode 5: “Back to the ‘Beginning'” (15:00) 
In this fifth episode of “Understanding Laudato Si,” Fr. Daniel P. Horan, OFM explores the first half of Chapter Two. The three subheadings of Chapter Two examined here include the themes of: (A) The light offered by faith; (B) The wisdom of the Biblical accounts; and (C) The mystery of the universe.

Episode 6: “A Universal Communion” (16:29)
In this sixth episode of “Understanding Laudato Si,” Fr. Daniel P. Horan, OFM explores the second half of Chapter Two. The four subheadings of Chapter Two examined here include the themes of: (A) The message of each creature in the harmony of creation; (B) A universal communion; (C) The common destination of goods; and (D) The gaze of Jesus.

Episode 7: “The ‘Technocratic Paradigm'” (15:39)
In this seventh episode of “Understanding Laudato Si,” Fr. Daniel P. Horan, OFM explores the first half of Chapter Three. The two subheadings of Chapter Three examined here include the themes of: (A) Technology: Creativity and Power; and (B) The Globalization of the Technocratic Paradigm.

Episode 8: “Human Responsibility” (13:34)
In this eighth episode of “Understanding Laudato Si,” Fr. Daniel P. Horan, OFM explores the second half of Chapter Three. The major subheadings of Chapter Three examined here centers on the theme of: “The Crisis and Effects of Modern Anthropocentrism.” This final subheading is then organized into three subsections: (I) Practical Relativism, (II) The Need to Protect Employment, and (III) New Biological Technologies.

Episode 9: “Integral Ecology” (15:06)
In this ninth episode of “Understanding Laudato Si,” Fr. Daniel P. Horan, OFM explores the first half of Chapter Four. The three subheadings of Chapter Four examined here include the themes of: (A) Environmental, Economic, and Social Ecology; (B) Cultural Ecology; and (C) Ecology of Daily Life.

Episode 10: “Intergenerational Solidarity” (17:17)
In this tenth episode of “Understanding Laudato Si,” Fr. Daniel P. Horan, OFM explores the second part of Chapter Four. The two subheadings of Chapter Four examined here include the themes of: (A) The principle of the common good; and (B) Justice between the generations.

Episode 11: “Dialogue in Moving Forward” (19:15)
In this eleventh episode of “Understanding Laudato Si,” Fr. Daniel P. Horan, OFM explores the first part of Chapter Five. The three subheadings of Chapter Five examined here include the themes of: (A) Dialogue on the environment in the international community; (B) Dialogue for new national and local policies; and (C) Dialogue and transparency in decision-making.

Episode 12: “Politics, Economy, and Science” (18:08)
In this twelfth episode of “Understanding Laudato Si,” Fr. Daniel P. Horan, OFM explores the second part of Chapter Five. The two remaining subheadings of Chapter Five examined here include the themes of: (A) Politics and economy in dialogue for human fulfillment; and (B) Religions in dialogue with science.

Episode 13: “Things Must Change” (16:41)
In this thirteenth episode of “Understanding Laudato Si,” Fr. Daniel P. Horan, OFM explores the first part of Chapter Six, which is the final chapter of the encyclical letter. The four subheadings of Chapter Six examined here include the themes of: (A) Toward a New Lifestyle; (B) Educating for the Covenant between Humanity and the Environment; (C) Ecological Conversion; and (D) Joy and Peace.

Episode 14: “Conclusion: In Union with all Creation” (16:26)
In this fourteenth and final episode of “Understanding Laudato Si,” Fr. Daniel P. Horan, OFM explores the second part of Chapter Six, which is the final chapter of the encyclical letter. The five subheadings of Chapter Six examined here include the themes of: (A) Civic and Political Love; (B) Sacramental Signs and the Celebration of Rest; (C) The Trinity and the Relationship Between Creatures; (D) Queen of All Creation; and (E) Beyond the Sun. This episode concludes with the interfaith prayer for creation Pope Francis included at the end of Laudato Si. Thank you for watching this series!