Parish Outreach Committee

“Let us produce worthy fruits of penance. And let us love our neighbors as ourselves. And if anyone does not want to love them as himself, let him at least not do them any harm, but let him do good.” – St. Francis of Assisi in his letter to the Faithful

The Outreach Committee at Sacred Heart is a consortium of ministry leaders, staff, and clergy focused on the philanthropic, humanitarian, and community needs both within and outside of our parish boundaries. Meeting monthly, the committee creates a calendar of events, fundraisers, and collections that serve those needs with the collective assistance of all our parish’s ministries and social groups.

2023 Outreach Committee Leadership:

  • Chair: Larry Bevis (Knights of Columbus)
  • Secretary: Patty Oliver (Women’s Prayer Group)

Have an idea that you’d like to share with the Outreach Committee? The committee is always looking for new opportunities to engage with the charities and organizations that serve our community. With the form below, provide the committee with information based on your proposed event and beneficiary. If you have questions regarding this form or process, click here to contact our staff.

Outreach Calendar Requests:

Please provide the name of your organization or ministry.
Organizational Contact(Required)
Please provide a contact for your ministry or organization who will handle this request.
Provide an email address for the contact listed that is handling this request.
Parish Ministry Liaison
The Sacred Heart staff or clergy member that works alongside your ministry or organization (if applicable).

Event Details

Select date MM slash DD slash YYYY
Please provide the date for this proposed event. If your event will take place over multiple days, please provide your start date in this field.
Select date MM slash DD slash YYYY
If there is a need for multiple dates, please provide the secondary date needed. (Not required)
Select date MM slash DD slash YYYY
If there is flexibility in the original date being requested, please provide an optional date. (Not required)
Event Start Time
If applicable.
Location / Space Requested(Required)
Check all that apply (subject to approval).
Type of Event(Required)
Please select the type of event your organization or ministry is requesting.
If you selected other above, please describe your event type.
Please provide the proposed title of your event (subject to approval).
Provide the name of the organization benefitting from your event, if applicable. If the benefitting organization has not been vetted, and does not appear in this dropdown listing, please visit to complete the required process for the beneficiary to be considered.
Describe the specifics of the event, including planning and how intend to implement plan to its conclusion, including preparation, timelines and locations used, and clean-up if on location.
Target Audience(Required)
Please select all that apply.
Please enter a number from 1 to 1000.
If applicable, please provide your estimated attendance.

Resource Needs

Publication and Advertising Needs(Required)
Our parish's manager of communications, Rob Boelke (, requires at least three weeks lead time from the anticipated date of publication for bulletin placements, four weeks for graphic design (social media or flyers), and five weeks for website placements and/or feature articles. Design and composition will be collaborative, but final publication and approvals are at the parish's discretion.
Resources Needed(Required)
Select all that apply.

Fr. Mike Jones, OFM
Staff Liaison
