Being a Godparent

If you have been asked to be a godparent or sponsor, it will be your role and responsibility to help the newly baptized or confirmed lead a life in harmony with the Gospel.  One of the most effective ways to share one’s faith is through example of the way you live and practice your Catholic faith every day.

To fulfill such a task, one must not only hold the beliefs of the Catholic Church, but live by them in a visible way.

Before a letter of good standing can be issued, you should be active and involved in the life and ministry of Sacred Heart Church consistently for the last six months. 

The letter is a testimony from the pastor that you are active and involved – not simply that you are registered here. An active and involved member:
·         celebrates Eucharist with us on a weekly basis
·         knows other members of their “pew community” and is known by the friars,
·         supports the parish by volunteering or ministry, and supports the parish financially.
In other words, you are living your faith in community.

Being an active and involved parishioner is not the same as:
– I was married in the Catholic Church.
– I’ve celebrated all of my sacraments.
– I went to Catholic school for twelve years.
– I’ve had all of my children baptized at your church.
– My parents/grandparents went there.