Sacred Heart and Word-on-Fire ENGAGE

Sacred Heart has a parish-wide license with Bishop Robert Barron’s Word on Fire! That means you have access to the Word on Fire Digital Library. This is a premium membership to the vast and amazing library of Bishop Barron’s video series such as Catholicism, The Mass, The Eucharist, Mystery of God, and more. These are videos that are not available through the wonderful collection of free materials Word on Fire makes available in other various online places.

What Does Access Cost for this remarkable online library?

Individual subscriptions to Word on Fire Digital Library cost $200/year. Word on Fire ENGAGE is a special program available through the parish and our communication partner Flocknote that brings the full digital library to you at no cost!

How can I access the Word on Fire Digital Library?

The easy way for you, our parishioners, to access the Word on Fire Digital Library is to participate in our parish emails from Flocknote.*  When we send emails containing Bishop Barron videos, those videos will automatically include an easy access point for members to view the full Word on Fire Digital Library. No logins, passwords, or access codes required!

Our first Word on Fire series begins April 23, 2020. If you are interested in participating in this first series, He is Risen! – text “FireSH” to 84576 and you will be automatically enrolled in the series and in the full digital library.

Once you click to access the Word on Fire Digital Library, the system will recognize the device you are using for 30 days. You are free to visit to access all the great videos at any time using that same device. If it’s been over 30 days since you last visited the site and/or you are using a new device, you will have to “reregister” for access to the digital library using one of the parish emails sent to you that contains a Bishop Barron video.

When I have access to the digital library are there any restrictions or limits of viewing videos?

There are no limits. You can binge watch the entire library!!