In our continued effort to meet the growing needs of the Tampa/Hillsborough County community, Sacred Heart is holding its latest Giving from the Heart drive-through donation event on Saturday, February 11, at the North Campus from 10 a.m. to noon. The February event is an effort of Sacred Heart’s Open Doors and Loving Hearts ministries. Volunteers from Open Doors will be collecting items on behalf of Mercy House, while Loving Hearts will be collecting for their Adopt-A-School beneficiary, St. Joseph Catholic School.
Sacred Heart’s Loving Hearts ministry is proud to continue to provide for the students and families of St. Joseph Catholic School through their Adopt-A-School outreach. Since its founding in 1896, St. Joseph Catholic School has played an important role in educating the children of West Tampa. Many of the families whose children attend St. Joseph’s are underserved in our community and need assistance with some basic needs.
Open Doors is excited to partner with Catholic Charities and their Mercy House shelter for our upcoming drive. Mercy House serves women (either single or with children) with a positive HIV or AIDS diagnosis. The shelter has 12 en suite rooms, housing up to 32 people. The shelter is partially funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, with the goal of assisting its residents to become self-sufficient. Clients are supported with meals, clothing, limited case management, transportation, mental health referrals, and life skills classes.
The needed items for both ministries include:
- Gift cards for grocers, discount stores, or gasoline
- Non-perishable food items, such as rice, beans, canned vegetables, crackers, peanut butter
- Toiletries and personal items, such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, feminine products, deodorants, soaps, lotions
- Household Items & Cleaning Supplies, such as bedding (twin, new or gently used), blankets, pillows, bath towels, laundry & dishwasher detergent, dish soaps, disinfectants
- DVD and Blu-Ray movies for children and families (new or used)
- Robes, and indoor/outdoor slippers for women and children
If you have questions about the upcoming drive or would like volunteer at the event, please contact Cindy Burnette with Loving Hearts at lovingheartsshfla@gmail.com, or Don Murray with Open Doors at opendoors.sacredheartfla@gmail.com.