Keep on doing what you have learned and received and heard and seen in me.
Then the God of peace will be with you.” | Philippians 4:9
The average cost of school supplies per student in 2023 totaled $591. The National Education Association estimates that teachers spend between $500 and $750 of their own money annually to stock their classroom with necessities often needed by students, and that number is in addition to the allotments they are provided by their school. Sacred Heart is holding its latest Giving from the Heart drive-through donation event on Saturday, August 10, at the North Campus, from 9 to 11 a.m. to help alleviate some of these burdens for the families, students, and teachers of nearby St. Peter Claver Catholic School.
Can’t make it to the North Campus on the day of the drive?
Click the image to access our Amazon Wishlist, and have your donation shipped directly to the parish office!
Volunteers from our Loving Hearts ministry, which regularly collaborates with schools like St. Peter Claver through their “Adopt-a-school” program, will be gathered to receive school supplies ahead of the 2024-25 school year. Members from our Bikes from the Heart ministry will also be on hand with bikes available for purchase that will be donated directly to the school.
Many of you will know that St. Peter Claver School was founded as a mission of the Jesuit Fathers of Sacred Heart in 1893, and is the oldest continuously operating historically black grade school in Florida. The school remains committed to providing a quality education in a safe and nurturing environment, instructing preschoolers through eighth grade.
Items of greatest need include: Zip-Lock bags (all sizes) | Plastic folders w/pockets | #2 pencils (10ct.) | Crayons (24ct.) | Ballpoint pens (blue & black) | Paint brushes (various sizes) | Binder clips (various sizes) | Post-it notes (various sizes) | Assorted construction paper | Copier paper (white) | Crayola markers (8 or 10ct.) | Elmer’s liquid glue (8oz.) Elmer’s glue sticks | 3”x5” index cards | Colored pencils | Notebook paper (either rule) | Sanitizing wipes & spray | Scotch tape (3 pack) | Facial tissues | Paper towels | Dry-erase markers & erasers | Legal Pads
We want to supply the teachers and students of St. Peter Claver with the materials they need to be successful from day one of this coming school year. As always, your generosity is greatly appreciated.