Category Archives: Online Mass Readings & Music

This is a category for posting the Online Mass Readings and Hymns for those in church using our resource guides, or viewing the live stream Mass at home.

Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord

Hymns for Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion:

Opening Song: All glory, laud, and honor G 535

Penitential Rite: Missal tones plus verses

Responsorial Psalm 130: My God, my God why have you forsaken me? Why have you forsaken me, my God..”

(Text: Abbey Psalms & Canticles © 2010, 2018 USCCB; Music: © 2016, 2022, Philip Jakob)

Gospel Greeting: Lent Gospel Greeting

Preparation of the Gifts: What wonderous love is this G 704

Eucharistic Acclamations: Missal Tones
Communion Song: We remember G 1005
Dismissal Chant: Jesus remember me G 804

The Fifth Sunday of Lent

Hymns for The Fifth Sunday of Lent:

Opening Song: Lift high the Cross G 968

Penitential Rite: Missal tones plus verses

Responsorial Psalm 130: With the Lord there is mercy; In him is plentiful redemption.”

(Text: Abbey Psalms & Canticles © 2010, 2018 USCCB; Music: © 2016, 2022, Philip Jakob)

Gospel Greeting: Lent Gospel Greeting

Preparation of the Gifts: Jerusalem, my destiny G 520

Eucharistic Acclamations: Missal Tones
Communion Song: We remember G 1005
Dismissal Chant: From ashes to the living font G 529

The Fourth Sunday of Lent

Hymns for The Fourth Sunday of Lent:

Opening Song: Amazing Grace G 701

Penitential Rite: Missal tones plus verses

Responsorial Psalm 23: The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want, there is nothing I shall want .”

(Text: Abbey Psalms & Canticles © 2010, 2018 USCCB; Music: © 2016, 2022, Philip Jakob)

Gospel Greeting: Lent Gospel Greeting

Preparation of the Gifts: Christ in me arise G 834

Eucharistic Acclamations: Missal Tones
Communion Song: Come to me G 789
Dismissal Chant: From ashes to the living font G 529

The Third Sunday of Lent

Hymns for The Third Sunday of Lent:

Opening Song: O God who gives us life and breath G 747

Penitential Rite: Missal tones plus verses

Responsorial Psalm 95: O that today you would listen to his voice! “Harden not your hearts”.”

(Text: Abbey Psalms & Canticles © 2010, 2018 USCCB; Music: © 2016, 2022, Philip Jakob)

Gospel Greeting: Lent Gospel Greeting

Preparation of the Gifts: Turn my heart, O God G 721

Eucharistic Acclamations: Missal Tones
Communion Song: Come to the water G 640
Dismissal Chant: From ashes to the living font G 529

The Second Sunday of Lent

Hymns for The Second Sunday of Lent:

Opening Song: How good, Lord, to be here G 965

Penitential Rite: Missal tones plus verses

Responsorial Psalm 33: “May your merciful love be upon us, as we hope in you, O Lord.”

(Text: Abbey Psalms & Canticles © 2010, 2018 USCCB; Music: © 2016, 2022, Philip Jakob)

Gospel Greeting: Lent Gospel Greeting

Preparation of the Gifts: Transfigure us, O Lord G 964

Eucharistic Acclamations: Missal Tones
Communion Song: Christ in me arise G 834
Dismissal Chant: From ashes to the living font G 529

The First Sunday of Lent

Hymns for The First Sunday of Lent:

Opening Song: Litany of Saints (Franciscan)

Penitential Rite: New Wine: Missal tones plus verses

Responsorial Psalm 51: “Have mercy on me, O God, according to your merciful love.”

(Text: Abbey Psalms & Canticles © 2010, 2018 USCCB; Music: © 2016, 2022, Philip Jakob)

Gospel Greeting: Lent Gospel Greeting

Preparation of the Gifts: Hosea G 514

Eucharistic Acclamations: Missal Tones
Communion Song: On Eagle’s wings G 749
Dismissal Chant: From ashes to the living font G 529

The Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Hymns for The Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time:

Opening Song: All creatures of our God and king G 665

Glory to God: New Wine 

Responsorial Psalm 146: “The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger and rich in mercy.”

(Text: Abbey Psalms & Canticles © 2010, 2018 USCCB; Music: © 2016, 2022, Philip Jakob)

Gospel Greeting: Salisbury Alleluia

Confirmation at the 5:30 p.m. mass
Preparation of the Gifts: Love endures G 780

Eucharistic Acclamations: Mass of Resurrection
Communion Song: Taste and see G 1006
Dismissal Chant: Celtic Alleluia- Sending Rite

The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Hymns for The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time:

Opening Song: As we gather at your table G 922

Glory to God: New Wine 

Responsorial Psalm 146: “Blessed, blessed are those who keep his decrees.”

(Text: Abbey Psalms & Canticles © 2010, 2018 USCCB; Music: © 2016, 2022, Philip Jakob)

Gospel Greeting: Salisbury Alleluia

Confirmation at the 5:30 p.m. mass
Preparation of the Gifts: Lead us to your light G 653

Eucharistic Acclamations: Mass of Resurrection
Communion Song: Gift of finest wheat G 1032
Dismissal Chant: We are marching in the light of God G 865

The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Hymns for The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time:

Opening Song: Gather in us G 913

Glory to God: New Wine 

Responsorial Psalm 122: “A light rises in the darkness. A light for the upright”

(Text: Abbey Psalms & Canticles © 2010, 2018 USCCB; Music: © 2016, 2022, Philip Jakob)

Gospel Greeting: Celtic Alleluia
Preparation of the Gifts: Within the reign of God G 652

Eucharistic Acclamations: Mass of Resurrection
Communion Song: Pues si vivimos- We are living G 825 
Dismissal Chant: We are marching G 865

The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Hymns for The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time:

Opening Song: The Kingdom of God (Taize) G 810

Glory to God: New Wine 

Responsorial Psalm 146: “I will praise the Lord all my life, sing praise to my God while I live.”

(Text: Abbey Psalms & Canticles © 2010, 2018 USCCB; Music: © 2016, 2022, Philip Jakob)

Gospel Greeting: Celtic Alleluia
Preparation of the Gifts: Within the reign of God G 809

Eucharistic Acclamations: Mass of Resurrection
Communion Song: Be not Afraid G 754 
Dismissal Chant: Goodness is stronger than evil G 567