Notes from the Heart

At Sacred Heart, we believe that we are one, holy family, and we can’t wait to be together again as a parish community. But until that time, we are encouraging our parishioners to connect with each other on a deeper level. We want everyone to know how important and valued they are and that we think of each other often.

Every few weeks we will have a new note card for you to take and reflect on. If you would like to share a “Note from the Heart” with another parishioner, simply pick up a blank note card in the back of the church or click on the blue button below to download a copy and write something special. We know it will mean so much to those who receive it, and our hope is that they will pay it forward.

Once you’ve finished your note, please return it to the parish by the end of the week. Several options are available, including:

  • Dropping it in the mail (P.O. Box 1524, Tampa, FL 33601).
  • Stopping by the parish office and handing it to the receptionist.
  • Placing it in the Offertory basket while you are at Mass.
  • Giving it to a friar at our North Campus Sunday Communion offering (between 1:00 pm – 1:30 pm).
  • Emailing it here.

Not only will your fellow parishioner thank you for your kindness, but the friars and parish staff are so grateful that you participated in our “Notes from the Heart” initiative.

pax et bonum (peace and all good)

History of Notes from the Heart

Back in December, Fr. Stephen introduced us to Arinda Saylor, one of our young parishioners here at Sacred Heart. Arinda shared how she was inspired by one of Fr. Stephen’s recent homilies.  You can view the videos below and see how Arinda shares her idea for a way we can all make a difference in 2021.

Part 1: Meet Arinda

Part 2: How Will You Make a Difference in 2021?