Pope Francis on COP26

Starting Oct. 31 and through Nov. 12, the 26th annual U.N. Conference of the Parties (COP26) regarding climate change will meet in Glasgow, Scotland. Earlier this month, Pope Francis hosted a two-day parliamentary meeting with the COP26 host nations of Italy and the UK to set a standard for the upcoming proceedings, saying “we owe our best efforts to future generations so they can live in hope.”

At our daily and weekend Masses during the next two weeks, you will hear special prayers for positive outcomes at COP26. The main prayer is listed below, and will be available in the Music sheets for the applicable dates on the “Readings and Hymns” section on our Online Mass page.

Prayer for the COP26 Conference:

Loving Creator,
at this moment in earth’s history
when humanity must take account of earth’s destiny,
give to those leaders who gather in Glasgow
a sense of urgency, a perception of necessity
and the wisdom and will to secure the health and wellbeing of the world
at whatever the cost to wealth, political advantage or prestige.

And give to us all
a vision of a world restored to full health
that is worthy of all those yet to be born
and worth all the work, sacrifice and commitment
which is ours to offer.