In our continued effort to meet the growing needs of the Tampa/Hillsborough County community, Sacred Heart is holding its latest Giving from the Heart drive-through donation event on Saturday, August 12, at the North Campus from 10 a.m. to noon.
In our continued effort to meet the needs of the Tampa/Hillsborough community, Sacred Heart is holding its latest Giving from the Heart drive-through donation event on Saturday, August 12, at the North Campus from 10 a.m. to noon. As the parish approaches the three year anniversary of this successful program, the Outreach Committee wishes to thank all of our volunteers, parishioners, and donors for their commitment to these drives and those that benefit from them. With our next drive, the emphasis is on providing the building blocks for success to our neighbors in need. The beneficiaries of the August drive are St. Peter Claver Catholic School, and the Tampa Hope Homeless Shelter.
At St. Peter Claver School, as with any school, teachers and students are in need of school supplies to ensure a path to success in the classroom. On average, a family will spend more than $600 per student per year on supplies, with teachers often spending upwards of $1000 annually, filling the gaps that often arise within their class’s needs. To best serve the students of this historic, downtown Catholic school, parishioners are encouraged to donate any amount the following items:
Click to View St. Peter Claver School Needs List
- Zip Lock Bags (all sizes)
- Plastic Folders w/Pockets (blue)
- 2 Pencils (10ct)
- Crayons (24ct)
- Ball Point Pens (blue & black)
- Paint Brushes (various sizes)
- Binder Clips (various sizes)
- Post-it Notes (various sizes)
- Assorted Construction Paper
- Copier Paper (white)
- Crayola Markers (8 or 10ct)
- Elmer’s Liquid Glue (8oz)
- Elmer’s Glue Sitcks
- 3”x5” Index Cards
- Colored Pencils
- Notebook Paper (either rule)
- Sanitizing Wipes & Spray
- Scotch Tape (3 pack)
- Facial Tissues
- Paper Towels
Additionally, the parish will be collecting gift cards and donations to aid St. Peter Claver in updating classroom first aid kits.
At Tampa Hope, volunteers assist the unhoused with temporary shelter, food, clothing, and counsel, putting residents on a path toward self-sufficiency. Sacred Heart is a founding partner of the shelter, with our parishioners regularly volunteering to meet the needs of residents. To best serve our neighbors in need, parishioners may donate any amount of the following items:
Click to View Tampa Hope Needs List
- Toiletries (soaps, deodorant, toothbrushes, toothpaste, razors)
- Used Clothing, including shoes, sandals, rain gear, hats
- Towels, Tissues, Toilet Paper
- New Undergarments
- New and Used Linens
- Blankets, Pillows
- Disposable Kitchen Supplies, Cutlery
- Used or Broken Bicycles
- Cleaning Supplies, including laundry detergent, dish soap
- Paper Towels
- Water, juices, coffee
- Microwaveable meals
- Snacks (crackers, chips)
- Breakfast food (cereal, bars, oats)
Additional information and needs list updates will be available on this page as they are received. As always, the church appreciates your attentiveness and generosity for these drives.