Thursday, August 31: All parish activities have resumed following the conclusion of the storm, and an inspection of all parish facilities.
The Diocese of St. Petersburg Disaster Relief Fund is accepting donations for those affected by Hurricane Idalia. The DOSP Disaster Relief Fund sends 100% of all donations made to organizations assisting the people affected by natural disasters as they occur. To support victims of natural disasters, click here.
Monday, August 28: The following parish activities have been adjusted or cancelled through the evening of Wednesday, August 30. This includes:
- Bible Study | Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. | Cancelled
- A.A. | Wednesday at 7:30 a.m. | To meet via Zoom
- Daily Mass | Wednesday at 7 a.m., 12:10 p.m. | Cancelled
- Confessions | Wednesday at 11:30 a.m. | Cancelled
- Catechist Orientation | Wednesday at 6 p.m. | Cancelled
*Additional events, groups, and ministries may appear on this list at the situation develops.
The normal daily Mass and Confession schedule will remain for Tuesday, August 29.
The church, parish office, and North Campus will be closed on Wednesday, August 30. Daily Mass and confessions will not be held.
The normal daily Mass and Confession schedule is slated to resume on Thursday, August 31, beginning with the 7 a.m. Mass (subject to change).
Information about Catholic Schools and Diocesan Closures can be found here.
Additional Resources:
- National Hurricane Center
- Hillsborough County Emergency Management Updates and Shelters
- Find Your Evacuation Zone
Prayer against Storms | from the Pieta Prayer Book
Make the sign of the cross when you see the (+) symbol.
Jesus Christ a King of Glory has come in Peace. + God became man, + and the Word was made flesh. + Christ was born of a virgin. + Christ suffered. + Christ was crucified. + Christ died. + Christ rose from the dead. + Christ ascended into Heaven. + Christ conquers. + Christ reigns. + Christ orders. + May Christ protect us from all storms and lightning. + Christ went through their midst in Peace, + and the Word was made Flesh. + Christ is with us with Mary. + Flee you enemy spirits because the Lion of the Generation of Juda, the Root of David, was won. + Holy God! + Holy Powerful God ! + Holy Immortal God! + Have mercy on us.