In our continued effort to meet the growing needs of our community, Sacred Heart is holding its latest Giving from the Heart drive-through donation event on Saturday, February 10, at the North Campus from 10 a.m. to noon. Volunteers from our Loving Hearts ministry and Council of Catholic Women will be on hand for this special event aiding the Grow Into You Foundation and St. Joseph Catholic School.
Can’t make it to the North Campus on the day of the drive? Access our Amazon Wishlists, and have your donation shipped directly to the parish office or the beneficiaries!
The Grow Into You Foundation exists to provide coaching, mentoring, support, and resources to teens and young adults aging out of the foster care system, where little support is readily afforded or available. The foundation contends that there are not enough foster homes to care for all the children displaced from their families, with teens in this situation often falling victim to homelessness, human trafficking, hunger, drugs, or incarceration. GIYF’s mentoring aims to give these teens a fighting chance to pursue education, employment, and shelter. The foundation is currently renovating its “Magnolia House,” a home for aged-out girls, which is slated to open this year.
Click to View the G.I.Y.F. Needs List:
- groceries and non-perishables, snacks
- hygiene items including toothbrushes, tooth paste, feminine care products, bar soap
- body wash, shampoos, conditioner
- hair accessories for teenage girls (brushes and combs, blowers, curling irons)
- electric or manual razors for teenage boys
- household cleaning supplies
- Gift cards ($10 and $25 increments preferred; Walmart, Target, Uber, Publix, fast food restaurants, gas stations, home improvement stores, etc.)
St. Joseph Catholic School works with every family to help make a Catholic education possible for all students, even those who need scholarships or other forms of assistance. Many families of the student body have needs beyond the education of their children, and St. Joseph’s attempts to meet those needs, which are varied. For example, because of the generous outpouring of support from last year’s Giving from the Heart drive benefitting the school, St. Joseph’s had enough gift cards to help a student receive a much needed pair of eye-glasses.
Click to View the St. Joseph School Needs List
- household cleaning items and paper products
- personal hygiene items
- non-perishable food for their food pantry
- Gift cards ($10 and $25 increments preferred; Walmart, Target, Publix, Amazon)
Additional information and needs list updates will be available on this page as they are received. As always, the church appreciates your attentiveness and generosity for these drives.