Online Mass | Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Music and Readings for the Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time | February 11, 2024:

Opening Song:  God of Day and God of Darkness G 932

C.L.O.W. Dismissal (9 a.m. only): Seek Ye First G 715

Psalm 32: You are a hiding place for me; You surround me with cries of deliverance.

(Text: Abbey Psalms & Canticles © 2010, 2018 USCCB; Music: © 2021, 2024, Philip Jakob)

Gospel Acclamation: Greenbelt Alleluia

Dismissal of Catechumens (10:30 a.m. Mass): Go Now In Peace G 125 (Walker)

Preparation of the Gifts: Amazing Grace G 701

Eucharistic Acclamations: Mass of Creation G 231

Lamb of God: Mass of Creation

Communion Song: To You Who Bow G 625

Dismissal: We Are Marching G 865

Recessional: Precious Lord, Take My Hand G 784