Rounding the Obstacles | Friar Reflections | Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

My Good Friends,

Our readings this weekend challenge us to reflect on what we truly value in life. The Gospel from Mark presents the familiar story of the rich young man who seeks eternal life but struggles when Jesus asks him to sell his possessions and follow Him. The man’s sadness at the thought of giving up his wealth speaks to a deeper spiritual truth: it’s not just about material possessions, but about what holds our heart.

In the first reading from Wisdom (7:7-11), we hear Solomon’s prayer for wisdom. He values wisdom above all earthly goods—gold, silver, health, or beauty. He teaches us that the greatest treasure we can seek is not material wealth, but God’s wisdom. This wisdom leads us to a deeper understanding of what truly matters in life and what brings lasting fulfillment.

In the second reading, Hebrews 4:12-13, we are reminded that the Word of God is alive and active, sharper than any two-edged sword. It penetrates our hearts and exposes our innermost thoughts and desires. God’s Word challenges us to see where our priorities lie and helps us discern what is keeping us from fully following Christ.

When Jesus tells the rich young man to sell his possessions, He is not condemning wealth itself, but rather pointing out that it can become an obstacle to following God wholeheartedly. It is a reminder that whatever we are most attached to—whether it’s wealth, status, or comfort—can become a stumbling block in our relationship with God. Jesus invites us to let go of anything that prevents us from living fully for Him.

As we reflect on today’s readings, we are challenged to ask ourselves: What is holding me back from following Christ more closely? What do I treasure more than my relationship with God? Jesus’ words remind us that only when we are willing to surrender our attachments and trust in God’s wisdom will we find the true riches of eternal life.

May we pray for the grace to let go of anything that hinders our relationship with God, and to seek His wisdom as our greatest treasure. Let us trust that by following Jesus, even through sacrifice, we will inherit the eternal life He promises.

– Fr. Zack