Category Archives: Friar Reflections

A regular reflection from one of our Franciscan Friars on the day’s readings, the happenings around the parish, or discussing parochial outreach initiatives.

A Profound Act of Humility | Friar Reflections | The Baptism of the Lord

My Dear Friends,

The Baptism of the Lord is an important feast in the Christian liturgical calendar, especially in the Franciscan tradition. The event is recorded in all four Gospels (Matthew 3:13-17, Mark 1:9-11, Luke 3:21-22, and John 1:29-34) and marks the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry. For Franciscans, this feast offers rich theological reflection, inviting us to contemplate the mystery of Christ’s humility, his identification with humanity, and his mission to bring about God’s kingdom.

Humility is considered the cornerstone of the Christian life, and St. Francis of Assisi himself is known for his deep commitment to humility, as seen in his rejection of worldly honor and his embrace of poverty. The Baptism of Jesus is seen as a profound act of humility. Though sinless, Jesus enters the waters of repentance, not because he needs purification, but because he desires to identify fully with the human condition. This moment calls us to reflect on our own call to humility, inviting us to follow Christ’s example in our own lives—especially in moments when we may feel called to serve others without seeking recognition.

When Jesus is baptized, the heavens open, and the voice of God the Father declares, “This is my Son, with whom I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:17). This moment of divine revelation affirms Jesus’ identity as the Son of God and shows the deep love the Father has for him. As Franciscans, our approach to this passage emphasizes God’s love not only for Jesus but for all of creation. St. Francis often spoke of creation as a reflection of God’s love, and he saw everything—people, animals, plants—as brother or sister in the vast family of God. The Baptism of the Lord reminds us to live in the grace and love bestowed upon us and to share it generously with all creation.

The Baptism of the Lord is one of the clearest moments in the New Testament where the Holy Trinity is revealed: the Father speaks, the Son is baptized, and the Holy Spirit descends like a dove. The dove represents peace, simplicity, and gentleness—qualities that were central to St. Francis’s way of life. The dove’s presence at the baptism is a sign of the Holy Spirit’s role in empowering Jesus for his mission, and it reminds us of the importance of the Holy Spirit in our own lives. The Spirit calls us to embody peace and gentleness in our interactions with others and to live out the radical love that Jesus demonstrated.

The Baptism of the Lord is a pivotal moment in the life of Jesus and a rich source of reflection. It is an opportunity to contemplate the humility, love, and mission of Christ, to renew our own baptismal calling, and to remember that we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to live lives of peace, service, and joy. Through the Baptism of Jesus, we are reminded that all our vocations in life call us to be of transformed by humility, and to pursue active participation in the divine mission of working towards bringing peace to the kingdom of God to earth.

Pax et bonum!
-Fr. Zack

Hope Through His Love | From the Desk of the Pastor | January 2025

Pope Francis wrote “During the Holy Year, we are called to be tangible signs of hope for those of our brothers and sisters who experience hardships of any kind.” Some of the signs of hope that Pope Francis refers to are the desire for peace in our world, and looking to the future with hope and enthusiasm for life. It calls us to be tangible signs of hope for others including, prisoners, the sick and homebound, for our youth, migrants, those who are vulnerable, the elderly, and the poor and impoverished.

The Jubilee Year is a reminder to all of us that as God has given us hope through His love, mercy, healing, and forgiveness, we are also called to give hope to others. Pope Francis said “Hope also is not a passive virtue, which merely waits for things to happen, rather, it is a supremely active virtue that helps make them happen.” We give hope when we work for peace. We give hope when we feed the hungry. We give hope when we welcome the immigrant. We give hope when we respect the rights of others. And we give hope to others when we are willing to give ourselves to them. As the star of Bethlehem was the beacon of light that guided the Wise Men to Jesus, let us be a beacon of hope that can lead others to Christ.

The Pope has provided us with a prayer for this jubilee:

Father in heaven, may the faith you have given us in your son, Jesus Christ, our brother, and the flame of charity enkindled in our hearts by the Holy Spirit, reawaken in us the blessed hope for the coming of your Kingdom.

May your grace transform us into tireless cultivators of the seeds of the Gospel. May those seeds transform from within both humanity and the whole cosmos in the sure expectation of a new heaven and a new earth, when, with the powers of evil vanquished, your glory will shine eternally.

May the grace of the Jubilee reawaken in us, Pilgrims of Hope, a yearning for the treasures of heaven. May that same grace spread the joy and peace of our Redeemer throughout the earth.

To you our God, eternally blessed, be glory and praise for ever. Amen.

This year our parish is also celebrating the 120th Anniversary of the Dedication of Sacred Heart Church. The new church building was completed and dedicated in 1905. On Wednesday, January 15, 2025 at 6:30 p.m. we will have a special mass celebrating the anniversary of the dedication. During that celebration we will also commission all of our parish ministers.

It is a reminder that it is the people who make up the church. It was the parishioners who in the late 1890’s that worked hard to build a beautiful new church in downtown Tampa. It was the many parishioners over the 120 years that continued to serve the parish and help it to grow. Over the last years it was the parishioners who continued to provide for the needs of the parish and community. Over our long parish history we have countless examples of parishioners being that hope to others. During our celebration in January it is a time to celebrate that hope.

Peace and All Good,
Fr. Mike

You Are a Holy Family | Deacon Reflections | The Feast of the Holy Family

Dear Friends,

The Holy Family, Jesus, Mary, and Joseph—holds a central place in Christian theology and devotion. Representing the ideal family, their lives reflect the virtues of faith, obedience, humility, and love. Among the passages in the New Testament that offer insight into the family dynamic of Jesus, one particularly moving moment is found in Luke 2:41-52, where we see a glimpse of Jesus’ early years and his growing awareness of his divine mission.

The story begins by noting that the Holy Family, as was customary for faithful Jews of the time, made the pilgrimage to Jerusalem every year for the Feast of the Passover. The Passover was one of the most important Jewish festivals, commemorating the Israelites’ liberation from slavery in Egypt. This annual journey highlights the devotion of Mary and Joseph to their faith and their commitment to keeping the religious practices that defined their Jewish identity.

Their participation in this religious tradition underscores the holiness of their family life. It also sets the stage for the story to come, as we see how Jesus, even at a young age, is growing in both his understanding of God and his sense of divine purpose.

How do we try to resemble a Holy Family? Do we have annual traditions and customs as Jesus’s family did? Do we make sure that we have that special quality time with our family and making sure that God is always the center? This is how we can work and become more like the Holy Family we read about this weekend. We celebrate this feast because again Jesus is showing us the way, the way to Him by making sure we include our family and His in this journey of faith.

It is through our experience of family life that we can learn and try to imitate the Holy Family. We may not think of ourselves as being a holy family, but in fact, we really are. Are we trying our best to live good and moral lives? Do we respect and honor each other? Do we say, “I love you” and “I forgive you”? Do we stop to listen, not just hear, and try to understand the different situations of our family members? Do we practice our faith together by attending Mass and praying together? Do we live with a heart full of gratitude for the abundant blessings God’s gives to us? These are just a few indicators of living the life of a holy family. You are a holy family!

Luke offers a powerful glimpse into the early life of Jesus, showing both his divinity and his humanity. It highlights the loving, obedient relationship between Jesus and his parents, and the early signs of his divine mission. This passage invites Christians to reflect on the importance of family life, the call to obedience, and the profound mysteries of the Incarnation. Through the example of the Holy Family, we are encouraged to live lives of faith, humility, and devotion, trusting in God’s plan and growing in wisdom and grace.

– Deacon Ray

Rejoice! | Friar Reflections | The Third Sunday of Advent

Saints of God, the Lord be with you!

Amid the hustle and bustle of getting ready for the great Solemnity of Christmas, this weekend the Church asks us to pause and reflect on all we already have to rejoice about.

In the first reading from the Book of the Prophet Zephaniah, (3:14-18a) we are called to “shout for joy, sing joyfully, be glad and exult!” Why did the ancient Israelites have cause to rejoice? Because “The Lord removed judgement against them, and the Lord, your God is in your midst, a mighty Savior!” Little did they understand that the Lord in their midst will one day become one of them and that the Lord Himself will “rejoice over you with gladness and renew you in His love; He will sing joyfully because of you, as one sings at festivals.”

We, who have faith, know that “the Lord is near” as St. Paul writes in his letter to the Philippians (4:4-7). Our response to the Lord’s nearness is to be kind to all that we meet. (And if there is one thing the world and the church need now more than ever it is kindness.) It is that simple; the Lord is Kindness and Mercy, and we are made in His image and likeness. When we are kind and merciful, then we are truly living as human beings.

Why then does it seem that being kind and merciful is so difficult? Perhaps the answer can be found in today’s Gospel according to Luke (3:10-18). John the Baptist, when questioned who he is, and why he is doing what he is doing, responds in all humility that he is not who people suppose he is. He is not the Christ, the Messiah. He says, “One mightier than I is coming; I am not worthy to loosen the thongs of his sandals.” It seems to me that being kind and merciful requires a degree of humility. John knows who he is and is not tempted to be anything but who he is, and to do what God is calling him to do.

On this Gaudete Sunday, let us rejoice that we are who we are. That weak, finite people who are prone to sin, have been called by God, just as we are to grow more and more into His likeness. Let us rejoice that God, rejoices in us.

– Fr. Steve

Preparing the Way | Friar Reflections | The Second Sunday of Advent

My Dear Friends,

The 2nd Sunday of Advent in Year C offers a reflection on the theme of preparation and repentance as we await the coming of the Lord. The readings for this Sunday emphasize the call to prepare the way for Christ, both externally and within our hearts.

1st Reading (Baruch 5:1-9): Baruch speaks of God bringing joy and restoration to His people. The imagery of God leveling the ground so His people may walk safely home is a powerful message of hope. It assures us that God is actively working to bring us closer to Him, removing barriers and leading us toward His kingdom.

2nd Reading (Philippians 1:4-6, 8-11): Paul encourages the Philippians, reminding them that “He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion.” This reading highlights the faithfulness of God and the importance of growing in love, knowledge, and discernment. It calls us to live lives that are pure and blameless, ready for the day of Christ.

Gospel (Luke 3:1-6): The Gospel introduces John the Baptist, who calls people to “prepare the way of the Lord” by repentance. His message echoes the prophecy of Isaiah: “Every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be made low.” This imagery reflects the transformative work of God’s grace in our lives, removing obstacles that hinder our relationship with Him and making a straight path for His coming.

John’s proclamation is a reminder that Advent is a time not only of waiting but also of active preparation. It invites us to reflect on areas in our lives where we need spiritual renewal and to embrace God’s mercy.

And so let us reflect: Advent is not just a season of waiting but also one of hope-filled action. This Sunday challenges us to examine our lives:

  • What valleys need to be filled? Are there areas of emptiness, loneliness, of despair in our lives where we need to invite God’s healing presence?
  • What mountains need to be made low? Are there obstacles such as pride, anger, or selfishness that prevent us from fully experiencing God’s love and sharing it with others?
  • How are we preparing our hearts for Christ? Through repentance, prayer, and acts of love, we can respond to John the Baptist’s call to prepare the way for the Lord.

This week, we actively seek to align our lives with God’s will, allowing His grace to transform us as we journey closer to Christmas. May our preparation not only ready us for the celebration of Christ’s birth but also deepen our anticipation of His second coming.

– Fr. Zack

Take Time this Advent | From the Desk of the Pastor | December, 2024

Dear Parishioners,

As you may be seeing, work on the church’s façade is progressing. We anticipate the scaffold coming down along the front of the church soon, and with that, we will redirect our attention to the doors and entryways that remain to be restored. Our concerns with the tile near the altar rail are being addressed as well, with repairs being planned for multiple locations around the church. At the North Campus, our Maintenance Committee and staff have been meeting with the architect and others over the kitchen in the auditorium. This too is progressing, and will speed up once the final plans are finished. I thank the Maintenance Committee members for all they have contributed to the parish with these many intricate and varied projects. We are currently looking to expand our committee and are in need of parishioners with expertise in engineering, project management, building, construction, mechanical, HVAC, plumbing, etc. The committee meets formally between six and eight times a year. If you are interested in assisting the parish in this way, send me an email.

At Mass this weekend we begin the season of Advent with the Blessing of the Wreath. I know many of you have your own Advent wreaths at home, and so I wish to share with you this weekend’s blessing for you to us with your own wreaths at home.

Blessing of Wreath and Lighting of First Candle:

Leader: May the sprinkling of this water remind all of us gathered here of our first sharing in the grace of baptism.

During this time of Advent may we prepare for the Lord’s coming with open hearts and minds.

May this wreath be a symbol to us of this time of prayerful watching and waiting for the coming of the Lord, and a symbol of faith in the power of the Holy Spirit as we anticipate the fruits of this Advent Season.

Have each family member bless the wreath.

Leader: Lord Jesus, your coming was proclaimed by the prophets of old. The Prophet Isaiah proclaimed that all nations shall come to climb the mountain of the Lord. Instruct us that we may walk in the light of the world.

Family: Come, Lord Jesus. Come, Lord Jesus

Leader: Lord Jesus, St Paul urges us that all those who believe in Christ may grow in love of God and neighbor.

Family: Come, Lord Jesus. Come, Lord Jesus

Family lights the first candle.

Leader: Grant your faithful, we pray, almighty God, the resolve to run forth to meet your Christ with righteous deeds at his coming, so that, gathered at his right hand, they may be worthy to possess the heavenly kingdom. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Please take the time to celebrate the Advent season as we prepare for Christmas.

Peace and All Good,

– Fr. Mike

Not Without Hope | Friar Reflections | Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Saints of God, the Lord be with you!

With elections over, and the end of the liturgical year to be celebrated next weekend with the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, the readings this week seem to me to be quite apropos.

In the Gospel according to Mark (13:24-32), Jesus reminds His disciples of the truth that this world will be, and often is, filled with tribulation and change whether wanted or unwanted. But Jesus doesn’t leave them, nor us, without hope. “…they will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory.” I think that the great power and glory that Jesus will come with is forgiveness and love. For those who imitate Christ in their lives, this offers great hope and comfort. And we, Christ’s Elect, will be gathered “from the four winds, from the end of the earth to the end of the sky.”

The question then arises: what grounds our hope? Where can we find security when everything around us is in flux? Is hope merely wishful thinking? Again, the answer to these questions is found in the Gospel. The first piece of advice is to pay attention to what is happening in our lives and in our world. Instead of seeing just the awful or distressing, look for signs of Jesus’ already and always present, in our lives, our church, and our world. I’m fond of saying you find what you look for. I truly believe there is more grace than sin. But grace is often more subtle, and quiet. And if you can’t find any grace, be the grace you wish you could find.

Learn from the Eucharist. Though the bread is broken, it is in reality the Body and Blood of the Risen Christ. The Eucharist is our identity in this world, and our destiny. The destiny, not just of us but the cosmos “I saw a new heaven and a new earth. The former heaven and the former earth had passed away…” (Rev. 21:1)

Our hope is grounded in the truth that Jesus said to His disciples, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.” Christ, the Word of God made flesh, spoke the words of eternal life, and He and they are everlasting. Christ is the Truth, the Way, and the Life, given to us. And we who believe this, are called to become tender and bear fruit.

As the liturgical year comes to an end, let us reflect on our spiritual growth this past year. Has our faith given birth to the fruit of charity? If so how, and if not, why not?

– Fr. Steve

Generosity is an Act of Trust | Friar Reflections | Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

My Good Friends,

This Sunday, our readings present us with profound lessons on true generosity and faith. At the heart of Mark’s Gospel, we encounter the story of the poor widow who gave two small coins as her offering at the temple. Jesus observes her act and points out to His disciples that she, in her poverty, has given more than all the others who contributed from their surplus wealth. This moment provides a powerful lesson: true generosity is measured not by the size of the gift, but by the heart and sacrifice behind it.

In our first reading from 1 Kings, we find a similar act of sacrificial giving. The prophet Elijah encounters a widow in Zarephath who, despite being on the brink of starvation with her son, offers him the last of her food. Her faith and willingness to give, even when she had so little, leads to God’s miraculous provision. This story echoes the Gospel’s theme: God values the selflessness and trust of those who give from their very need.

What then are the lessons we can take from these readings?

  • Generosity is an Act of Trust: Both widows in the readings give everything they have. Their acts are not just about charity; they are acts of profound trust in God. The widow in the Gospel might have worried about how she would survive after giving away her last coins, but she trusted that God would provide. This invites us to reflect: do we trust God enough to give not only from our abundance but even when it requires sacrifice?
  • Quality over Quantity: Society often measures the worth of a gift by its size or monetary value, but Jesus challenges this view. The wealthy donors in the Gospel gave large sums, but Jesus singled out the widow as her gift was all she had. God sees beyond appearances and values the love, faith, and sacrifice that accompany our offerings.
  • A Call to Examine Our Priorities: The Gospel begins with a warning against the scribes who seek honor and recognition while neglecting true compassion and service. This is a reminder for us to examine our motives. Are we seeking acknowledgment for our acts of kindness, or are we giving out of genuine love for God and neighbor? True discipleship calls us to humility and self-giving without seeking praise.

How do we apply these lessons in our lives? We are called to live out the Gospel by embracing a spirit of generosity and trust. This does not only mean financial giving; it means giving our time, energy, love, and service to others, especially those in need. True generosity may be as simple as offering a listening ear, a helping hand, or being present for someone who feels alone. It is in these acts, given from the heart, that we embody Christ’s teachings.

We can draw inspiration from these two widows who, in their poverty, showed extraordinary faith and love. We too, strive to give from the depths of our hearts, trusting that God sees and cherishes every act of selfless love. As we approach the altar, ask for grace to be generous —giving not only when it’s easy, but especially when it requires faith. Giving is not just about what you could spare—it’s more about what you were willing to share, no matter the cost.

– Fr. Zack

How We Might Remember | From the Desk of the Pastor | November 2024

Dear Parishioners,

This Saturday, November 2, we celebrate the Solemnity of All the Faithful Departed, more commonly known as All Souls’ Day. This month is often seen as a time to remember all of our loved ones. I’d like to remind you that this year, Remembrance Cards will be available to you, where you can write down the names of your departed loved ones and we will remember each of them at every Ordinary Time Mass throughout November. Many have already filled out the cards, causing us to run out last weekend. You can be sure that we will keep a supply in reserve as the month continues. Cards can be found near our Book of Intentions in the back of the church. Simply place the completed cards in the adjacent basket, and the friars will collect them.

A poem that I often read during near All Souls’ Day is called We Remember Them; a litany by Rabbis Sylvan Kamens and Jack Riemer. This poem reminds us of how the memories of our loved ones who have died, even if significant time has passed since their death, will be seen in smallest or most repetitive aspects of our own lives. The first time I heard this poem was at a remembrance celebration in 1999 at a local Hospice facility in Maryland. In the time since, I have revisited this litanty countless time for All Souls’ celebrations.

At the rising of the sun and at its going down,
We remember them.
At the blowing of the wind and in the chill of Winter,
We remember them.
At the opening of buds and in the rebirth of Spring,
We remember them.
At the blueness of the skies and in the warmth of Summer,
We remember them.
At the rustling of leaves and the beauty of Autumn,
We remember them.
At the beginning of the year and when it ends,
We remember them.
As long as we live, they too will live; for they are now a part of us,
as we remember them.
When we are weary and in need of strength,
We remember them.
When we are lost and sick at heart,
We remember them.
When we have joys we yearn to share,
We remember them.
When we have decisions that are difficult to make,
We remember them
When we have achievements that are based on theirs,
We remember them.

Some of you know that I am a bit of a baker. At that that Hospice remembrance service, one of the volunteers made these graham cracker dessert for those in attendance to share. They were absolutely delicious, and stick out in my mind whenever I think to that poem and service. It took me a while but I tracked down the woman who made them and she gave me the recipe, which I will share with you.

Graham Cracker Treats

1 cup – Butter
½ cup – Sugar
1 cup – Chopped Pecans
12 large Graham Crackers

• Put graham crackers on a foiled cookie tray and sprinkle with pecans.
• In a saucepan, melt sugar and butter over medium heat and let boil for 2 minutes. When finished, pour over crackers and pecans.
• Bake in oven at 350*F for 10 minutes.

One of the best ways we remember loved ones is when we share what they had given us in life. Ahead of the holidays, let us share their stories and the gifts they have given us with others. As they have lived in us, may they now also live in others. For example, my great, great aunt Sarah died when I was a toddler. She was about 107. I don’t remember her, but I am connected to her through the warm stories my dad and grandmother would tell about her.

Take the time in November to pray for all those who have gone before us, as we remember them.

Peace and All Good,
– Fr. Mike

Christ’s Baptism of Solidarity | Friar Reflections | Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time 

Saints of God, the Lord be with you!

Scripture scholars use the criterion of embarrassment as one of their tools to help them uncover the historicity of a particular scripture passage. Many scripture scholars also advocate that the Gospel according to Mark is the earliest gospel text written. In today’s Gospel (Mark 10:35-45), Jesus, for the third time, has told the disciples that He is soon to be handed over, mocked, scourged, and condemned to death. Rather than offer Him support, the brothers James and John basically ignore all that Jesus has just said, and, to put it bluntly, ask, “What does that have to do with us? Give us what we want.” Talk about throwing a bad light on the disciples! But don’t worry, Matthew (20:20-28) cleans this up and has their mother do the demanding. Jesus asks them, “Can you drink the cup that I drink, and with the baptism with which I am baptized, you will be baptized.” To which they respond (probably without any reflection), “We can!”

Whenever we go to communion, we should remember that our reception of the Body and Blood of Christ (even if it is only the Eucharistic Bread) is a “re-dipping” into the waters of baptism. The baptism of Jesus of Nazareth was no washing away of sin, since Jesus was and is sinless. Rather, Christ’s baptism was a baptism of solidarity with sinners: the poor and hungry, the religiously disposed, and the politically powerless. This is the cup that Jesus asks James and John if they can drink from. And this is a question we must ask ourselves as we enter the communion line: Am I willing to live my baptism of solidarity with those who are different from me? Baptism is communion…and communion is a living out of our baptism.

Of course we all want to know, “what’s in it for me?’ I suppose the answer is, in the end, eternal life. But there’s more…to paraphrase Psalm 29:13, “we shall see the Lord in the land of the living.”

Our heaven will begin for us now, in this life, on this earth. Christ as Servant becomes for us the Way, the Truth, and the Life of us who have faith. Heaven is the result of how we live our life of faith, and it begins now…or it doesn’t begin at all.

– Fr. Steve