My Dear Friends,
The Baptism of the Lord is an important feast in the Christian liturgical calendar, especially in the Franciscan tradition. The event is recorded in all four Gospels (Matthew 3:13-17, Mark 1:9-11, Luke 3:21-22, and John 1:29-34) and marks the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry. For Franciscans, this feast offers rich theological reflection, inviting us to contemplate the mystery of Christ’s humility, his identification with humanity, and his mission to bring about God’s kingdom.
Humility is considered the cornerstone of the Christian life, and St. Francis of Assisi himself is known for his deep commitment to humility, as seen in his rejection of worldly honor and his embrace of poverty. The Baptism of Jesus is seen as a profound act of humility. Though sinless, Jesus enters the waters of repentance, not because he needs purification, but because he desires to identify fully with the human condition. This moment calls us to reflect on our own call to humility, inviting us to follow Christ’s example in our own lives—especially in moments when we may feel called to serve others without seeking recognition.
When Jesus is baptized, the heavens open, and the voice of God the Father declares, “This is my Son, with whom I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:17). This moment of divine revelation affirms Jesus’ identity as the Son of God and shows the deep love the Father has for him. As Franciscans, our approach to this passage emphasizes God’s love not only for Jesus but for all of creation. St. Francis often spoke of creation as a reflection of God’s love, and he saw everything—people, animals, plants—as brother or sister in the vast family of God. The Baptism of the Lord reminds us to live in the grace and love bestowed upon us and to share it generously with all creation.
The Baptism of the Lord is one of the clearest moments in the New Testament where the Holy Trinity is revealed: the Father speaks, the Son is baptized, and the Holy Spirit descends like a dove. The dove represents peace, simplicity, and gentleness—qualities that were central to St. Francis’s way of life. The dove’s presence at the baptism is a sign of the Holy Spirit’s role in empowering Jesus for his mission, and it reminds us of the importance of the Holy Spirit in our own lives. The Spirit calls us to embody peace and gentleness in our interactions with others and to live out the radical love that Jesus demonstrated.
The Baptism of the Lord is a pivotal moment in the life of Jesus and a rich source of reflection. It is an opportunity to contemplate the humility, love, and mission of Christ, to renew our own baptismal calling, and to remember that we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to live lives of peace, service, and joy. Through the Baptism of Jesus, we are reminded that all our vocations in life call us to be of transformed by humility, and to pursue active participation in the divine mission of working towards bringing peace to the kingdom of God to earth.
Pax et bonum!
-Fr. Zack