Saints of God, the Lord be with you!
Have you ever have an “Aha!” moment? I did, and because I am a not too-smart Franciscan, I have them often. The most life changing “Aha!” moment happened when I was discerning my vocation. Should I continue my plan of returning to teaching as a Franciscan Brother or was God calling me to ordination? It happened that a woman approached me while I was a student friar and tearfully asked if I would hear her confession. The cause of her tears was that she was denied absolution because she didn’t know the Act of Contrition…in Latin! I told her I wasn’t a priest, but Father Andrew would make everything okay. He did, and I never saw her again.
On the ride back to the friary, I expressed my indignation at that priest, and, trying to calm me down, Fr. Andrew suggested that I go to the beach and reflect on the incident. I did, and after about twenty minutes I realized I had been asking the wrong question concerning my vocation. The question was not “should I get ordained” but rather, “how can I best serve.” And the rest you know.
It seems to me that all three readings today are about “Aha!” moments. In Genesis (15:5-12,17-18), Abram experiences the Lord God, and because of his obedience the LORD made a covenant with him and his descendants. In Paul’s letter to the Philippians (3:17-4:1), he writes that God “will change our lowly body to conform with His (Christ’s) glorified body.” The result (the “Aha!”) of standing firm (in faith) in the Lord.
With the Transfiguration (Luke 9:28b-36) of Jesus, the apostles Peter, John, and James, having become overwhelmed by sleep became “fully awake” and “saw (Christ’s) glory and the two men (Moses and Elijah) standing with Him.” An “Aha!” moment to say the least, but one which they didn’t fully understand until the Resurrection/Pentecost.
If Catholicism is anything, it is a religion of “aha moments”…Baptism changes us into Christ…bread and wine are changed into the Body and Blood of Christ….we celebrate our forgiveness in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
My prayer for all of us this Lent is that our prayers, fasting, and almsgiving may open us to a greater awareness of the “aha moments” that enfold us.
– Fr. Steve