Category Archives: Parish News

Mother’s Day

For those whose mothers and grandmothers are still with us – cherish them today. Hug and kiss them. Honor them. Thank them. For those whose mothers have gone home to the Lord, remember them, pray for them, and thank them!

For all who bear the name Christian, the name of our eternal family, let us also honor the Mother of the Lord today. Her maternal care for Jesus still embraces all those who are joined to Him, as members of His Body, by that great new birth of Baptism.

Finally, let us ask the Lord to open our eyes, and our hearts, to come to more fully understand the great mystery and gift of the Church as our Mother. Let us live our lives as Christians, by living in the heart of Mother Church, for the sake of the world into which we are sent to bear the Good News.


Journey With Us This Holy Week

Holy Week is a journey into the Heart of the Gospel. We hope that you will make room for God during your busy life as it intersects with this Holy Week. It is a matter of the heart. It is at the center of our Christian Faith.

If you’ve never attended the events of Holy Week, here’s a little bit more about them, including what you can expect. To read more about the Triduum, click here.

Continue reading Journey With Us This Holy Week

Join Our Last Soup Supper This Friday

For Catholics around the world, Lent and meatless meals go hand in hand. But if you’re not exactly hooked on fish, there is an alternative. Give it up for soup. For Sacred Heart, Lenten Soup Suppers have become a Friday night tradition. They not only provide parishioners with an opportunity to observe their meat-free Fridays, they also bolster a sense of fellowship and belonging.

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U.S. Bishops Urge National Leaders to Address Scourge of Gun Violence

For many years, the USCCB has supported a federal ban on assault weapons, limitations on civilian access to high-capacity weapons and ammunition magazines, further criminalizing gun trafficking, certain limitations on the purchase of handguns, and safety measures such as locks that prevent children and anyone other than the owner from using guns without permission.

In the aftermath of the tragic attack at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, Bishop Frank J. Dewane of Venice, Florida, Chairman of the USCCB’s Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development, and Bishop George V. Murry, S.J., of Youngstown, Ohio, Chairman of the Committee on Catholic Education, once again urge national leaders to finally come together and address the crisis of gun violence in a comprehensive way. Their comments are below:

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Parking Announcement for Gasparilla Events

Please be advised that over the next two weekends, there will be two Gasparilla events at Curtis Hixon Park that will affect parking in downtown Tampa:
– Gasparilla Festival of the Arts / March 3rd – 4th
– Gasparilla Music Festival / March 10th – 11th

Due to the increased traffic in and around downtown Tampa, parking may be more difficult to find.  Options include:
– Using the Madison Building parking garage
– Finding available street parking
– Paying the asking rate at one of the nearby commercial parking lots

Please note: The parking lot located at the corner of W. Kennedy Blvd. and N. Florida Ave. will not be available for parishioners on either weekend.  The parking garage in the Madison Building will be available for Mass, however, if you plan to stay after Mass to attend either event, please pay the posted rate or move your car. Thank you.

Your Voice is Needed

Please participate in the Call-in Day to Congress on Monday, February 26th.
Your advocacy is critical to help the nearly 1.8 million Dreamers, young people who were brought into the United States by their parents as children. They may face deportation as soon as March 6, unless Congress reaches a bi-partisan deal to protect them. Bishop Parkes of the Diocese of St. Petersburg and your own Franciscan Friars urge you to be part of this “call to action.”

Continue reading Your Voice is Needed

Plaza Art Project: The Wolf of Gubbio

Since the arrival of the Franciscan Friars at Sacred Heart in 2005, the church has taken on several projects – most notably our plaza renovation in 2013 – which truly brought to life the sense of welcome and engagement for which the parish has become known.

The project extended the “front porch” to the very edge of Florida Avenue and Twiggs Street. In its own way, the “Wolf of Gubbio” project is a continuation of the basic renovation, with artwork that is inviting and tells a story about our community. Among the most beloved and popular stories about St. Francis is that of the Wolf of Gubbio. At the heart of the story is the willingness and capacity of the Saint to enter, with humility, into the heart of conflict in order to create a place that is holy, hospitable, and healing, and where hope can grow and take root in the lives of all people. We hope you take a moment to read the story, as well as learn a little bit about the artist commissioned to undertake the work. Continue reading Plaza Art Project: The Wolf of Gubbio