A Busy and Holy Time | From the Desk of the Pastor | May, 2024

Sisters and brothers,

So far we have had a very busy Easter Season. We held our latest Giving from the Heart drive, which collected more than $7,000 worth of items for Foundations of Life pregnancy center, as well as needed items for Hands of Hope. We welcomed Abbot Isaac Camacho, O.S.B., from St Leo’s, who confirmed 30 of our parish youth. Our annual parish gala was a success, with the event raising more than $78,000 for the renovation of the kitchen at the North Campus. Let’s not forget we celebrated Fr Zack’s birthday as well!

That high level of activity continues this weekend across many of our Masses, with 28 of our parish’s children receiving their First Communion. Over this past year, it has been a pleasure working with the children and their families as they prepared for their sacraments. We should be proud of all of our children. All of this activity certainly shows the parish is thriving and growing.

Conversely, this last month has also seen a decision made by our  Sacred Heart Catholic Conference of Women for their group to disband. Their membership, comprised of several selfless and active parishioners, has seen a decline in recent years that has been mirrored on the state and national level. I will be meeting with their current council to develop a Mass/prayer service and social to celebrate the past and current women of the SHCCW, and recognize their years of service to Sacred Heart. The mission of the Sacred Heart Council of Catholic Women has been to assist the pastor and the parish community in charitable, educational, social and spiritual undertakings. Throughout the 55 years of their ministry, the SHCCW certainly have been a key part of our parish life. The majority of their works have gone undetected as these women volunteered and worked for the betterment of the parish and not their own glory, always helping when and where there were needs, for events large and small. They have served in many additional roles in our parish, including leadership.

Our thanks and gratitude go out to all of the past and current members of the SHCCW. In Mark and Matthew’s Gospels, we hear, “For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve.” For me, the SHCCW did not exist to be served, but to serve our parish. Truly, these women are a wonderful example of how we can live out our faith. Over the next month I would ask that each of us say this prayer for the transition of their group:

Loving God, you are the Alpha and Omega,
the beginning and the end.

Our endings and our beginnings are rooted in your love.
Whether near or far, we are held close by your love, and kept safe from any lasting loss.

We praise you for the gift of the Catholic Conference of Women, who have served Sacred Heart Church for 55 years, as they served to assist the Pastor and the Parish community in charitable, educational, social and spiritual undertakings.

As the ministerial service of the Catholic Conference of Women concludes, let these endings and new beginnings be filled with your blessing.

Touch all the faithful and the CCW members with your grace and your peace. Help us to live with courage and gladness as we prepare for the future you present us.

We ask all this through your Son, Jesus Christ,
our life and our hope,
who lives and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever.


Peace and All Good,
Fr. Mike