All posts by Rob Boelke

Believe and Speak | Staff Side Notes | Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

A sneak peak at the new “San Damiano Studio” in the parish office.

Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians is referred to as a more reflective extension his first. Scholars will assert the first letter had some tense moments and stern redirection for the community in Corinth, while the second letter was a bit more positive and wide-ranging. In our reading of the second letter this weekend, Paul hits us with some of that positivity and encouragement in the face of differences and difficulties, to center us all on our faith.

“Since, then, we have the same spirit of faith, according to what is written, “I believed, therefore I spoke,” we too believe and therefore speak…” (2 Cor 4:13)

Speaking publicly in any fashion can be a difficult or less than desirable activity. That’s partially why communications and public relations staffers exist. We coach clients who are nervous to give speeches at networking events. We ghostwrite presentations and media pieces to ensure the accuracy of the information needing to be delivered. We create talking points for interviews and press conferences to give our colleagues something to fall back on. All that prep, all that work still may not be enough for a polished delivery.

And guess what? That’s O.K.

Prior to this opening line and again throughout our reading, Paul describes the paradox of their ministry. He does so to encourage those who may be afraid of persecution that they are not alone in their mission to spread the Good News. While that persecution is more graphically detailed by Paul as a potential matter of mortality, a life in Christ is heralded as the confidence we should take into an anxious situation. So what if you are tripping over yourself while reading at Mass? So what if you aren’t able to speak as eloquently as you may have rehearsed for that business proposal? If your heart is in it and your belief is there, that will come through, so SPEAK!

That is the intention for our communications here at Sacred Heart as we begin to activate some new tools and channels this year. I am nearly finished with what will be called the “San Damiano Studio,” a space for us to develop content that will feature theology, catechism, and our parish outreach efforts. New ministry features will soon begin, to ensure all parishioners know what groups and communities are available to them within the parish, and how they may participate. In conjunction with the church’s 120th anniversary, we hope to have a revamped website in place. A new committee to advise and assist these efforts volunteers is also in its infancy.

We have such an impactful story to tell from this parish, so we should work confidently together to tell it!

– Rob Boelke
Director of Communications

Online Mass | 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time (2024)

Music and Readings for the Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, June 9, 2024

Opening Song: O God Beyond All Praising G-674

Glory to God: Mass of New Wine (Jakob)

Psalm 130With the LORD there is mercy, in him is plentiful redemption.

(Text: Abbey Psalms & Canticles © 2010, 2018 USCCB; Music: © 2024, Philip Jakob)

Gospel Acclamation: Salisbury Alleluia

Preparation of the Gifts: Christ In Me Arise G-834

Eucharistic Acclamations: Mass of Creation (Holy – We Proclaim – Amen)

Lamb of God: Mass of Creation

Communion Song: How Great Thou Art G-630

Dismissal: Sing Praises, All You Peoples, Sing Praises to the Lord (TaizeG-680

An Update On Our Work | From the Desk of the Pastor | June 2024

Dear Parishioners,

It is hard to believe that we are already into the summer months. As we move into this new season, I wish to provide you with an update on our current preservation efforts along the front façade.

Where to begin…? Many of you have asked how long with the scaffolding be up? We originally reported between 12 and 14 weeks, but unfortunately, our contractor, All Trades Historical Restoration, has found additional damage which will now extend that time by about three to four weeks. The timetable now to finish phase one would be the end of August, provided there are no additional repairs needed. The additional work will add about $65,000 to the original estimate of $200,000. A reminder that phase one of this preservation project covers the top two-thirds of the front façade, along with a few other items. Here is a summary of what is being done:

Cross | An engineer is making a plan for a new base for the cross which usually adorns the top of the façade. The cross itself wasn’t damaged but the base had corroded due to the age of the building. The original cross will be repositioned on the new base.

Flashing | When examining the cross, our contractor noticed the roof’s flashing was loose, likely a cause of some of the water damage to the inside of the church. They will be resealing flashing to fix the leaks.

Rose Window | This is where most of the new damage was found. After inspecting the window, our contractor discovered more than 67 fractures of various sizes on the rose window. Each of these will need to be sealed and painted to match. The fractures are simply due to age and the sun beating down on the building.

Sacred Heart of Jesus | I am not sure many of you will have noticed this, but the fingers on the one hand of Jesus are missing. They fell off years ago, though we were able to recover them. Our contractor will be reattaching them to the statue.

Doors | The three remaining sets of doors yet to be restored will be part of this initial phase. It is plain to see the damage due to the sun hitting on them day after day. Our contractor will remove the doors to work on them.

Similarly to the northernmost entryway, the other entryways will be sealed up with plywood during that time. Work will alternate to ensure two entryways will remain available for parishioners and visitors to use. With the handicap doorway along Twiggs Street, a temporary door will be placed to ensure the continued use of the handicap ramp.

Keep in mind that this work does not include what will need to be done to address the water damage on the inside of the church, but it does help stop causes of that damage.

Staff and volunteers are applying for grants from the county and state to provide some additional money for the next phases of work on the outside of the building. The next phase would cost between $200,000 and $300,000 depending on how much we can afford to do at that time.

Regarding the North Campus… staff and committee members have been meeting with the diocese, architects and a kitchen designer to best determine what will need to be done for the kitchen at the North Campus. As we continue assessments, the building’s plumbing is becoming a major issue. The drain pipes in the kitchen have collapsed due to age. All new plumbing will have to be installed, and would include the bathrooms in the auditorium as well. Our team is looking at what we actually would need and will use for the parish regarding the kitchen design. Once we settle on a final design, we will be able to get more of an idea on what the cost would be to renovate the kitchen.

A development committee is being assembled to aid the parish in fundraising, seeking applicable grants, and creating a new parochial legacy program. All money raised through these vehicles will aid the church and the North Campus. Our church turns 120 years old next January. The majority of the North Campus is more than 50 years old. If we ignore any problems we find today, it will cost the parish much more in the future. Luckily, we have many dedicated parishioners who want to help. If you have experience in raising money and would like to help, please reach out.

Peace and All Good,

– Fr. Mike

Online Mass | The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

Music and Readings for the Solemnity of the Most Body and Blood of Christ | June 2, 2024:

Opening Song: Gather Us In G-913

Glory to God: Mass of New Wine (Jakob)

Psalm 116The cup of salvation I will raise; I will call on the name of the LORD.

(Text: Abbey Psalms & Canticles © 2010, 2018 USCCB; Music: © 2023, Philip Jakob)

Gospel Acclamation: Salisbury Alleluia

Preparation of the Gifts: Gift of Finest Wheat G-1032
Preparation of the Gifts (10:30 a.m.): In the Breaking of the Bread G-582

Eucharistic Acclamations: Mass of Creation (Holy – When We Eat – Amen)

Lamb of God: Mass of New Wine (Jakob)

Communion Song: Taste and See (MooreG-1006

Dismissal: Sing Praises, All You Peoples, Sing Praises to the Lord (TaizeG-680

  • Readings for the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, June 2, 2024
  • Lyrics and Mass Order for the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, June 2, 2024
  • Contemporary Music for the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, June 2, 2024

Online Mass | Trinity Sunday (2024)

Music and Readings for the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity | May 26, 2024:

Opening Song: Christ Be Beside Me G-724

Glory to God: Mass of New Wine

Psalm 33Blessed, blessed the people the LORD has chosen as his heritage.

(Text: Abbey Psalms & Canticles © 2010, 2018 USCCB; Music: © 2021, Philip Jakob)

Preparation of the Gifts: Holy God We Praise Thy Name G-662

Eucharistic Acclamations: Mass of Resurrection (Holy – We Proclaim – Amen)

Lamb of God: Mass of Resurrection 

Communion Song: How Great Thou Art G-630

Dismissal: America, The Beautiful G-1085

Upcoming Drive Benefits Tampa Hope, SVdP Following Feast of the Sacred Heart

St. John Paul II said, “The Sacred Heart has given us everything — redemption, salvation, sanctification.” The Sacred Heart is the actual heart of Christ and also indicates His love for humanity. We each have the chance to exemplify that love within our community at our next Giving from the Heart drive-through donation drive, scheduled for Saturday, June 8, from 10 a.m. to noon at the North Campus. Volunteers from our parish’s Knights of Columbus and St. Vincent de Paul councils will be gathered the day after our parish feast day to greet donors as they drop off needed supplies for our beneficiaries which include both St. Vincent de Paul and the Tampa Hope homeless shelter.

Can’t make it to the North Campus on the day of the drive?

Click the image to access our Amazon Wishlist, and have your donation shipped directly to the parish office!

Opened in 2021, Tampa Hope houses dozens of local homeless in semi-permanent shelters while providing food, clothing, transportation, education, employment and benefits assistance, substance abuse and mental health counseling, basic medical care, and case management services in an effort to help reestablish permanent housing. The shelter recently opened the first of their Hope Cottages, 64-square-foot, climate-controlled micro-homes which offer their clients privacy and security as they continue on their recovery paths. Sacred Heart is an original partner of the facility, which is located in East Tampa.

Items of greatest need include: bed sheets (twin), blankets (twin), men’s and women’s underwear (new, all sizes), bath and hand towels, laundry bags, shower shoes (men’s and women’s), deodorant, single-use paper products (plates, napkins, towels) single-use silverware, cleaning products, travel-size toiletries, bug-spray, sunscreen, storage containers

Following Christ’s call to serve the poor, the suffering, and the deprived, St. Vincent de Paul works to ease an individual or family’s initial emergency, then shepherd them into programs that can bring lasting change. Many will know Sacred Heart’s group of SVdP volunteers as one of the 13 conferences for the non-profit within Hillsborough County. SVdP has operated in Hillsborough County since 1932.

Items of greatest need include: new and used clothing, including men’s jeans, socks, shoes, and underwear, non-perishable and single-serving food items and dinners

As always, your generosity is greatly appreciated.

Embracing the Great Commission | Deacon Reflections | Trinity Sunday

Dear Friends,

Trinity Sunday is a significant feast in the liturgical calendar of the Roman Catholic Church, as well as other Christian denominations. It is celebrated on the Sunday after Pentecost. Trinity Sunday is a special occasion that is dedicated to celebrating the central mystery of the Christian faith—the Holy Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. On this day, believers around the world reflect on the nature of God as revealed in Scripture and affirmed by tradition. One of the key passages often read and meditated upon is in todays Gospel, Matthew 28:16-20, commonly known as the “Great Commission.”

In Matthew’s Gospel, we encounter Jesus giving His final instructions to His disciples before ascending to heaven. Gathered on a mountain in Galilee, the disciples receive the profound commission from their Master: “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” This command creates the essence of the Christian mission and underscores the triune nature of God’s identity and it’s called the Trinitarian formula. This command is present at every Christian baptism, the pouring of water and the words, “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”

This formula affirms the Christian belief in the triune God, three distinct persons existing in perfect unity and harmony. It emphasizes the inseparable relationship between the Father, who creates and sustains all things; the Son, who redeems humanity through His sacrificial death and resurrection; and the Holy Spirit, who empowers believers and guides them in their journey of faith.

As we observe Holy Trinity Sunday and reflect on the Great Commission, let us be reminded of the richness of our faith and the privilege of participating in God’s mission. May we be strengthened by the unity of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and may our lives bear witness to the transformative power of the gospel.

In obedience to Christ’s command, let us go forth with confidence, knowing that He is with us always, guiding and sustaining us in His mission of love and reconciliation, just as the Gospel of Matthew concludes with the following words “And know that I am with you always, until the end of the world…”

– Deacon Ray

To learn more about the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, click here.

Standing In Our Midst | Friar Reflections | Pentecost

Saints of God, the Lord be with you!

On the evening of the first day of the week, when the doors were locked, where the disciples were, for fear…” this is the opening phrase of today’s Gospel according to St. John. In John’s Gospel, the Ascension and Pentecost happen on Easter Sunday. (In Luke these feasts are spread out over time; forty days after Easter for the Ascension, and another ten days for Pentecost.) I’ve always liked the Lukan chronology, since it gives us the gift of time to better ponder the fulness of the Easter mystery: the bodily resurrection of Jesus, his return to the Father in heaven (taking his now glorified body and human nature with him), and his sending the Holy Spirit to abide forever with us, the Church.)

But this year, it’s that first line in the Gospel that captured my heart. “On the evening of the first day of the week, when the doors were locked, where the disciples were, for fear…” The disciples at that point were afraid that they too would be handed over to the Romans by the Jews. I hope none of us in today’s world are afraid of the Jews, since we would then be afraid of Jesus who was, is and always will be Jewish. But all of us have locked places in our hearts. All of us have a fear of someone or something. Today’s Gospel is an invitation for us to name that which causes us fear and then to trust that the risen Christ is already there, standing in our midst and saying to us, “Peace be with you.” Peace, the Shalom of God, which is the promise of right relationship with not only God, not only with our neighbors and creation, but right and healed relationship with ourselves.

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Christ’s Peace, Healing, and Forgiveness. The Holy Spirit is our Advocate, not only with God, but sometimes we need an advocate on behalf of those wounded parts of us that we long to be healed, restored, forgiven. God is quick to forgive.

Our friends and neighbors, those we have hurt, might forgive in time and up to a point. I find that too often we can’t forgive ourselves. We don’t think we can or ought to open those memories of the hurt we have caused others; we think if we pretend to forget, then those words or actions, those things that “I have done or have failed to do” have no real hold on us. But we are wrong; those are the locked doors behind which is not condemnation, but the Holy Spirit of Christ’s forgiveness.

Today, on this wonderful expression of Easter, the gifting of the Holy Spirit to a wounded and too often wounding Church, let us remember that the Healing Spirit is given to us who not because we have somehow earned the gift, but because in our pain we need the gift. Today, let us celebrate the giving of the Holy Spirit by living not in fear but in faith. “The antidote to fear is Faith, and the fruit of faith is Charity.”

-Fr. Steve

Online Mass | Pentecost (2024)

Music and Readings for the Solemnity of the Pentecost | May 19, 2024:

Opening Song: O Holy Spirit by Whose Breath G-588

Glory to God: Mass of New Wine

Psalm 104: You send forth your spirit and you renew the face of the earth.

(Text: Abbey Psalms & Canticles © 2010, 2018 USCCB; Music: © 2021, Philip Jakob)

Gospel Acclamation: Easter Alleluia (Hurd)

Preparation of the Gifts: O Breathe On Me, O Breath of God G-997

Eucharistic Acclamations: Mass of Resurrection (Holy – We Proclaim – Amen)

Lamb of God: Mass of Resurrection 

Communion Song: O Spirit All Embracing G-599

Dismissal: Surrexit Christus G-568
Dismissal (Noon): Easter Alleluia G-559

Ministry Donates 500th Bike Ahead of Anniversary

Bikes from the Heart, Sacred Heart Catholic Church’s outreach devoted to refurbishing and redistributing bicycles to those in need has reached a milestone just ahead of the ministry’s first anniversary. Volunteers from the ministry joined members of Tampa’s Downtown Partnership to deliver the 500th refurbished bicycle to Billy Shane Warren, a member of the Downtown Partnership’s Clean Team, on Friday, April 26.

“I’ve had issues with parts in the past, and then the theft of an old bike, so this is truly a blessing,” said Warren, who received the donation in front of the “Downtown” mural at the Partnership’s outpost on Ashley Street, just south of I-275. When receiving the bicycle, Warren recounted stories of a bike he had owned since age 9 that was stolen nearly two years ago, and the trouble he has had since in maintaining others he had attempted to salvage.

“It’s going to make getting to work so much easier, that’s for sure,” Warren continued, speaking with ministry leaders and his TDP colleagues. His current commute from east Ybor is nearly five miles, a daily journey he would often make on foot, in addition to his daily rounds that cover the western and southern portions of the downtown streets.

Bikes from the Heart is a volunteer program founded by Sacred Heart parishioners Tim Eves and Tom Henry that operates out of the former convent on the church’s “North Campus” property, formerly Sacred Heart Academy (3515 N Florida Avenue). Used bicycles and parts are donated to Bikes from the Heart by individuals, parishioners of Sacred Heart and other area churches, apartment and condominium complexes, partners like WellBuilt Bikes, as well as law enforcement. Those bikes are then refurbished into working order to be given recipients across Tampa Bay that are struggling with access to reliable transportation.

“We’re excited to be here with our friend, Billy Shane, the friars, and our friends from the Downtown Partnership to celebrate this moment in our ministry,” said Henry. “Over the first nine or so months of this ministry, while getting established, we were able to produce a little over 200 bikes. In the last three months, we’ve done nearly 300, and our hope for next year is produce over 1000.”

Founders Tim Eves and Tom Henry began work on the project in May of 2023. The growth of the ministry has been meteoric, from the swell of volunteers who believed in the mission of the ministry, to receiving grants from the Catholic Foundation of the Diocese of St. Petersburg and earning civic recognitions like the 2024 Urban Excellence Award for best Downtown collaboration.

The ministry regularly works with Catholic Charities’ homeless shelter, Tampa Hope; Love INC of Metro Tampa, an ecumenical collective of intercity churches addressing community needs; Metropolitan Ministries; Hyde Park United Methodist Church, The Portico, the Agency for Community Treatment Services, and the Tampa Downtown Partnership on distribution of the restored bikes. Some bicycles are also given to recipients through direct request or referral.

To learn more about the ministry, volunteer, or donate, visit

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Sacred Heart Catholic Church offers special thanks for the Community Impact Grant program from the Catholic Foundation of the Diocese of St. Petersburg for their support of the Bikes from the Heart.