Category Archives: Parish News

How Much of Ourselves | From the Desk of the Pastor | March 2025

Dear Parishioners,

This week we begin the season of Lent. Pope Francis once stated, “Lent is a fitting time for self-denial; we would do well to ask ourselves what we can give up in order to help and enrich others by our own poverty. Let us not forget that real poverty hurts: no self-denial is real without this dimension of penance. I distrust a charity that costs nothing and does not hurt.”

This quote challenges us to reflect on how much of ourselves are we willing to give to God and to one another. Pope Francis went on to state, “As long as there is a brother or sister to whom we close our hearts, we will still be far from being disciples as Jesus asks us.” This Lent, as we journey to Easter, let us truly be disciples who truly love God and one another.

We are almost finished with the first phase of the preservation work on the church. This phase includes all of the work that we have finished on the front façade, including the repointing of the marble, repositioning of the cross, repairs to the statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and the filling the fractures on the rose window. It also includes the restoration exterior doors of the church. Our contractor, All Trades Historical Restoration, is almost done with the ADA doors at the Twiggs Street entrance. They will move on to the northern set of front doors next. To date, this work has cost the parish just north of $486,000.

Additional preservation phases are planned, but are yet to be funded. They include the following projects:

  • Dome restoration on northwest corner
    • Rinse and sand deteriorated panels
    • Sand and paint panels
    • Repair brickwork
  • Repair leaks on the exterior of the southeast portion of the apse
  • SW Vertical Wall Restoration
    • Investigate leak
    • Remove deteriorated mortar
    • Repoint joints as necessary

These future phases are estimated to cost the parish $182,000. One area of repair not listed is the tile adjacent to the sanctuary. You might have noticed that some of the tile has come loose near the choir area. We are currently looking for similar tile and as well as the utilization of the existing loose tile. This is being researched further, and will be addressed in the coming months.

We have been moving forward steadily with the planned renovations to the kitchen at the North Campus. Much of the preliminary work is done. As I have mentioned before, this project will include the installation of all new plumbing for both the kitchen and for the adjacent bathrooms. Many of the pipes are brittle or broken, and have not been retrofitted since their initial installation during the original construction. Recently, while the architect and engineers were looking at this building, it was determined that a new roof is needed for this building, which houses the cafeteria, auditorium, and Alumni Hall. The estimated cost for the new roof is in the $200,000 range.

This important work cannot be researched and accomplished without the dedicated volunteers on our Parish Maintenance Committee. With the amount of projects currently underway or in the planning stages, additional hands are needed. If you or someone you know has who has experience in construction, contracting, planning, engineering, or anything within the field of building maintenance, and wish to help the parish, please let me know. I will happily invite you to join our committee.

Lastly, I wish to let you know about a recent change to our Parish Advisory Board. Our chair, Laura Prather, has stepped down, with current board member Lynda Marsh taking on the role as the new chair. We will use this transition as a way to reorganize and to strengthen the Parish Advisory Board, and its connection with our parishioners. The board serves a vital role in helping serve our parish, and I thank Laura for all of her efforts in steering the board over these last few years.

Peace and all good,
Fr. Mike

Bike Ministry Donates 1500th Restoration to Tampa Hope Resident

Bikes from the HeartSacred Heart Catholic Church’s outreach devoted to refurbishing and redistributing bicycles to those in need across Tampa Bay has reached yet another milestone, with the ministry set to donate their 1500th bicycle this Friday, February 21, at 10:30 a.m. on the front steps of the church.

Receiving this special bicycle is Danielle Ritchie, an unhoused member of our community and current client of the Tampa Hope Homeless Shelter, a partnership initiative between the City of Tampa and the Diocese of St. Petersburg, Catholic Charities located in east Ybor. Ritchie has been a resident at Tampa Hope since early December 2024 and is poised to use the donated bike to continue her search for work, as well as attend medical office visits.

Feature from WFTS ABC Action News 28 to follow

Bikes from the Heart is a volunteer program founded in 2023 by Sacred Heart parishioners Tim Eves and Tom Henry that operates out of the former convent on the church’s “North Campus” property, formerly Sacred Heart Academy (3515 N Florida Avenue). Used bicycles and parts are donated to BFTH by individuals, parishioners of Sacred Heart and other area churches, apartment and condominium complexes, and partners like WellBuilt Bikes or local law enforcement. Those bikes are then refurbished into working order to be given to recipients across Tampa Bay that are struggling with access to reliable transportation. The ministry has grown to employ more than a dozen regular volunteers and hopes to refurbish and redistribute at least 1000 bicycles each year. BFTH is the 2024 winner of the Downtown Collaboration Award from the Tampa Downtown Partnership’s Urban Excellence Awards, and is funded in part by the Catholic Foundation of the Diocese of St. Petersburg’s Community Impact Grant.

To learn more about the ministry, volunteer, or donate, visit

The Burdens and Blessings of Choice | Friar Reflections | Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Saints of God, the Lord be with you!

Years ago, when my friend Sister Kate Murphy, OSF, was in her eighties, I would often ask her, “Kate, if you had to choose Jesus or me, who would you choose?” She always answered that she would choose me, to which I would say, “Wrong choice! You’re 80!” Now picture Fr. David Phan, OFM. As soon as I would say, “David, if you had to choose…” and before I would finish, he would respond, “Yes!”

It seems to me that all the readings hold out to us the demand to choose either a life of blessing or curse. Of course, most of us would choose blessing. The difficulty is that sometimes we must choose so quickly that we choose without reflection. Other times, the choice is not between good or evil, but between two actions or things which are both good. Sometimes, we choose without enough information or life experience. And even not to choose is itself a choice.

What might help us is asking, what a person choosing blessing would look like. In today’s Gospel according to Luke (6:17, 20-26) Jesus describes a blessed person as knowing that no matter how monetarily wealthy one is, they are aware of their existential poverty. None of us will live forever, and all the wealth we accumulated does not go with us.

We are blessed when we realize that no matter how much stuff we have, we are still hungry for more. But more of what? Or better yet, hungry for whom?

The answer, of course, is God.

We choose to be blessed people when we mourn, for our own sins and the sins of the world. And when hated or ridiculed by others because of our choices to trust in God rather than our wealth, we continue to trust in “Christ (who) has been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep” (1 Corinthians 15:20).

All of today’s readings ask us to make conscious choices for God, and God’s values. Moral theologians call this “our fundamental option.” And in choosing choices that point us in the direction of God, we are cooperating with the Holy Spirit living within us.

– Fr. Steve

Facing Their Calling | Friar Reflections | Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

My Good Friends,

St. Francis of Assisi, when he first encountered his call, did not feel worthy of the task. He was the son of a wealthy merchant, living in luxury, yet God called him to a radical life of Gospel poverty and service. When Francis rebuilt the church of San Damiano, he thought his mission was simply to restore a physical structure—but God was calling him to rebuild the Church spiritually. His journey, like Peter’s in today’s Gospel, was one of being overwhelmed by God’s presence and yet still being sent forth in mission.

All three figures in today’s readings—Isaiah, Paul, and Peter—share one thing in common: they feel unworthy of their calling. Isaiah encounters the majesty of God and cries, “Woe is me! I am a man of unclean lips!” Paul confesses that he is the least of the apostles, unworthy because he persecuted the Church. Peter falls at Jesus’ knees and says, “Depart from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man!” Yet, God does not call the qualified—He qualifies the called.

Peter and his companions had worked all night and caught nothing. Their strength had failed them. But when they obeyed Jesus’ command, their nets overflowed. The lesson here is simple: when we rely on our own strength, we may struggle and find little success, but when we surrender to Christ’s will, He provides in abundance.

St. Francis also had to learn this lesson too. At first, he tried to follow God in ways that made sense to him, but his true breakthrough came when he surrendered everything, even his own plans, to God’s providence. He embraced poverty not as a burden but as a radical trust in God’s abundance.

Jesus tells Peter, “Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching men.” This transformation—from fearful fisherman to courageous apostle —did not happen overnight. Peter had to go through failures, betrayals, and doubts. Yet, Jesus still chose him, worked through him, and sent him forth.

Francis, too, started with fear. He was mocked, rejected by his own family, and even doubted his mission at times. But like Peter, he trusted, followed, and was transformed into a fisher of souls.

God does not call us because we are perfect. He calls us because He sees in us what we cannot yet see in ourselves. When we feel weak, He is our strength. When we feel unworthy, He makes us worthy. When we feel afraid, He says, “Do not be afraid.”

Like Isaiah, may we say, “Here I am, Lord, send me.” Like Paul, may we proclaim, “By the grace of God, I am what I am.” Like Peter, may we drop our nets, follow Christ, and trust in His abundance. And like Francis, may we embrace the Gospel with joy, simplicity, and love.

May the Lord give you His peace!

-Fr. Zack

Recognizing the Relationship | From the Desk of the Pastor | February 2025

Dear Parishioners,

As we get closer to the Lent, I wanted to share with you a decision that the parish has made about the weekly Stations of the Cross hosted on each of the Friday evenings during the season. Over the past few years the attendance for Stations has decreased. I believe there are several reasons for this. First, is that we do not have free parking available on Friday evenings near the church. The city previously allowed free parking on the street after 6 p.m., however that changed several years ago, and now, of course, you have to pay at a station of via the app. Second, the increase in activity downtown can make it difficult to find any parking, especially spaces that do no have surge pricing due to an event. Several older parishioners have informed me they don’t like driving in downtown Tampa at night. Last year, we also had stopped the Soup Suppers due to attendance.

The staff has looked at other alternatives, such as changing the timing or frequency. However, we always have to consider our busy wedding schedule in relation to in-church events on weekend evenings. Our wedding schedule allows for a Friday afternoon wedding where the church is occupied from 1 to 3:30 p.m.. Then we run into rehearsals for the Saturday weddings, which can be scheduled at any point between 4 and 7 p.m.

The staff came up with a solution that I am excited about, especially in relation to the increase of visitors to the church as part of the Jubilee pilgrimage. Signage will be placed in the back of the church inviting parishioners and visitors alike to take part in a self-guided prayer service of our stations. This will be available to all during our normal hours of operation.

I recently read a letter that Cardinal Blase J. Cupich, Archbishop of Chicago, wrote this past December. In it he talks about the renewal of the church ushered in by the Second Vatican Council. I would like to share this with everyone.

“By recognizing this relationship between how we worship and what we believe, the bishops at the council made clear that the renewal of the liturgy in the life of the church is central to the mission of proclaiming the Gospel. It would be a mistake to reduce the renewal to a mere updating of our liturgy to fit the times we live in, as if it were a kind of liturgical facelift. We need the restoration of the liturgy because it gives us the capacity to proclaim Christ to the world.

“Thus, for instance, the council called for the full, active and conscious participation of all the baptized in the celebration of the Eucharist to reflect our belief that in the sacred liturgy the faithful become the Body of Christ that they receive.

“Our ritual for receiving of Holy Communion has special significance in this regard. It reminds us that receiving the Eucharist is not a private action but rather a communal one. For that reason, the norm established by Holy See for the universal church is for the faithful to process together as an expression of their coming forward as the Body of Christ and to receive Holy Communion standing.

“It is important to recall that processions have been part of the liturgy from the earliest days of Christian practice. They give us a sensible experience of what it means to be a pilgrim people, helping us keep in mind that we are making our way together to the fullness of the heavenly banquet Christ has prepared for us. This is why we process into the church, process up to bring the gifts, process to receive Holy Communion and process out at the end of Mass to carry the Lord into the world.

“Nothing should be done to impede any of these processions, particularly the one that takes place during the sacred Communion ritual. Disrupting this moment only diminishes this powerful symbolic expression, by which the faithful in processing together express their faith that they are called to become the very Body of Christ they receive. Certainly reverence can and should be expressed by bowing before the reception of Holy Communion, but no one should engage in a gesture that calls attention to oneself or disrupts the flow of the procession. That would be contrary to the norms of the church, which all the faithful are urged to respect and observe.”

You can read Cardinal Blase’s full statement here.

Peace and All Good,
– Fr. Mike

Christ In Our Own Way | Friar Reflections | Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Saints of God, the Lord be with you!

I can’t help but wonder if the Church chose this reading from the Gospel according to John (2:1-11) to direct our attention to back to the celebration last week, the Baptism of the Lord, and it’s Gospel reading according to Luke (3:15-16; 21-22).

Today’s Gospel mentions that the copious amount of water (twenty to thirty gallons in six stone water jars) were there for Jewish ceremonial washings. Washings would have been another way of saying cleansings. And isn’t that what Baptism is all about? Well, that’s part of what Baptism is about. True, we are washed clean of original sin. Baptized into the “name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit” our human nature begins to be changed; divinized. We are gifted with the identity and mission of Christ. Anointed with the Chrism of Salvation (a symbol of the Holy Spirit) we are called to be the Light of Christ, as Priest, Prophet, and King. While our white baptismal robe is a sign of our Christian dignity. As St. Augustin wrote, “Rejoice O Christian! For by your baptism, you are more than a Christian, you are Christ Himself.” We are called not to be Jesus Christ, (We can’t be since we are not fully human and fully divine. Nor are we first century Jewish men.) but are called be Christ in our own way, in our own time.

God the Father gives us a “new name; we become a glorious crown and a royal diadem.” We are God’s Delight and His Spouse…God rejoices in you!” as Isaiah wrote in the first reading (Is. 62:1-5). God weds Himself to us, and in a way, we can say that in the person of Jesus of Nazareth, God weds Himself to creation and Humanity. In Christ the two become one without confusion.

The second reading from St. Paul to the Corinthians (1 Cor. 12: 4-11) shows us how our baptismal relationship with the Holy Trinity should be lived.

We are gifted for service toward one another. We are given the Holy Spirit who manifests Himself through wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, mighty deeds, prophecy, discernment of spirits, tongues and their interpretation. We are called to yield our lives to the Spirit and produce these fruits of the Spirit in the world.

We might say that today’s Gospel reminds us that God has wed Himself to each of us and together we make up the Church. Let us not live barren lives, but rather let us help one another to grow in holiness and imitation of Christ. For that is what Baptism and the Sacrament of Matrimony is all about.

– Fr. Steve

A Profound Act of Humility | Friar Reflections | The Baptism of the Lord

My Dear Friends,

The Baptism of the Lord is an important feast in the Christian liturgical calendar, especially in the Franciscan tradition. The event is recorded in all four Gospels (Matthew 3:13-17, Mark 1:9-11, Luke 3:21-22, and John 1:29-34) and marks the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry. For Franciscans, this feast offers rich theological reflection, inviting us to contemplate the mystery of Christ’s humility, his identification with humanity, and his mission to bring about God’s kingdom.

Humility is considered the cornerstone of the Christian life, and St. Francis of Assisi himself is known for his deep commitment to humility, as seen in his rejection of worldly honor and his embrace of poverty. The Baptism of Jesus is seen as a profound act of humility. Though sinless, Jesus enters the waters of repentance, not because he needs purification, but because he desires to identify fully with the human condition. This moment calls us to reflect on our own call to humility, inviting us to follow Christ’s example in our own lives—especially in moments when we may feel called to serve others without seeking recognition.

When Jesus is baptized, the heavens open, and the voice of God the Father declares, “This is my Son, with whom I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:17). This moment of divine revelation affirms Jesus’ identity as the Son of God and shows the deep love the Father has for him. As Franciscans, our approach to this passage emphasizes God’s love not only for Jesus but for all of creation. St. Francis often spoke of creation as a reflection of God’s love, and he saw everything—people, animals, plants—as brother or sister in the vast family of God. The Baptism of the Lord reminds us to live in the grace and love bestowed upon us and to share it generously with all creation.

The Baptism of the Lord is one of the clearest moments in the New Testament where the Holy Trinity is revealed: the Father speaks, the Son is baptized, and the Holy Spirit descends like a dove. The dove represents peace, simplicity, and gentleness—qualities that were central to St. Francis’s way of life. The dove’s presence at the baptism is a sign of the Holy Spirit’s role in empowering Jesus for his mission, and it reminds us of the importance of the Holy Spirit in our own lives. The Spirit calls us to embody peace and gentleness in our interactions with others and to live out the radical love that Jesus demonstrated.

The Baptism of the Lord is a pivotal moment in the life of Jesus and a rich source of reflection. It is an opportunity to contemplate the humility, love, and mission of Christ, to renew our own baptismal calling, and to remember that we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to live lives of peace, service, and joy. Through the Baptism of Jesus, we are reminded that all our vocations in life call us to be of transformed by humility, and to pursue active participation in the divine mission of working towards bringing peace to the kingdom of God to earth.

Pax et bonum!
-Fr. Zack

Rescheduled GFTH Drive to Assist Families with Youth Facing Illness, Parish Homeless Outreach

Rescheduled from October 2024 due to Hurricane Milton

“If you lavish your food on the hungry and satisfy the afflicted;
Then your light shall rise in the darkness,
and your gloom shall become like midday.” | Isaiah 58:10

The phrase “infectious diseases of poverty” is used to describe infectious diseases that are more prevalent among poor and vulnerable populations, even among what researchers consider high-income countries. These diseases, like HIV/AIDS or Tuberculosis, among others, often lead to adverse outcomes in pregnancy, child development, and employment opportunities. The Children’s AIDS Foundation of Tampa Bay states that “more than 80% of the children treated (for HIV/AIDS) in the Tampa Bay area live below the poverty level.”

Can’t make it to the North Campus on the day of the drive?

Click the image to access our Amazon Wishlist, and have your donation shipped directly to the parish office!

On Saturday, October 12, join volunteers from our Open Doors ministry at our next Giving from the Heart drive-thru donation drive, benefitting the patients and families under the care of the USF Health Department of Pediatrics for Infectious Disease, as they gather to receive needed supplies for families afflicted by these diseases and circumstances.

On Saturday, February 8, from 9 to 11 a.m., join volunteers from Open Doors and Hands of Hope at our next Giving from the Heart drive-thru donation drive, benefitting the patients and families under the care of the USF Health Department of Pediatrics for Infectious Disease, as they gather to receive needed supplies for families afflicted by these diseases and circumstances. The drive will also benefit our Hands of Hope ministry, as they collect items that will directly go to our needy neighbors, and necessary supplies for their weekly outreach.

Each Saturday, our Hands of Hope ministry gathers together to prepare a meal at the North Campus for our homeless neighbors, distributing the meal and supplies downtown while offering friendship and fellowship to the people they serve.

USF PID provides comprehensive HIV testing and care to children and adolescents in West Central and Southwest Florida from their clinic in Ybor City and outposts at both Tampa General and St. Joseph’s. Their physicians provide medical care, access to clinical trials, psychological and social support, and education for infected children and young adults. USF PID states that its patients are often in need of clothing and household essentials, and has provided our parish with a list of items that cannot be covered by financial assistance programs such as SNAP (food stamps).

Items of greatest need include: Sanitary Napkins | Baby Wipes | Diapers (All Sizes) | Bath Soap | Laundry Detergent | Toothbrushes | Toothpaste | Floss | Tampons | Travel Size Hand Sanitizer | Disinfectant Wipes | Deodorant (Men’s and Women’s) | Socks (Youth to Adult) | Underwear (Toddler to Adult XL) | Adult Size Clothing (Gently Used or New; Men’s or Women’s; Larger Sizes Are of Greatest Need) | Toddler and Youth Clothes (Girls & Boys; Gently Used or New) | Boost Nutritional Drinks | Bug Spray or Mosquito Repellent Bracelets | Granola / Snack Bars | 8 oz. Bottles of Water | Snack Sizes of Chips/Crackers/Cookies | Aluminum Serving Trays (Full Size) | Canned Fruit | Compostable Food Containers

We want to supply the these young patients and families experiencing illness and hardship with the everyday items that might help them focus fully on their treatment and recovery. So, too, we wish to ensure that Hands of Hope has the supplies they need to continue their ongoing outreach to our local homeless. As always, your generosity is greatly appreciated.

Hope Through His Love | From the Desk of the Pastor | January 2025

Pope Francis wrote “During the Holy Year, we are called to be tangible signs of hope for those of our brothers and sisters who experience hardships of any kind.” Some of the signs of hope that Pope Francis refers to are the desire for peace in our world, and looking to the future with hope and enthusiasm for life. It calls us to be tangible signs of hope for others including, prisoners, the sick and homebound, for our youth, migrants, those who are vulnerable, the elderly, and the poor and impoverished.

The Jubilee Year is a reminder to all of us that as God has given us hope through His love, mercy, healing, and forgiveness, we are also called to give hope to others. Pope Francis said “Hope also is not a passive virtue, which merely waits for things to happen, rather, it is a supremely active virtue that helps make them happen.” We give hope when we work for peace. We give hope when we feed the hungry. We give hope when we welcome the immigrant. We give hope when we respect the rights of others. And we give hope to others when we are willing to give ourselves to them. As the star of Bethlehem was the beacon of light that guided the Wise Men to Jesus, let us be a beacon of hope that can lead others to Christ.

The Pope has provided us with a prayer for this jubilee:

Father in heaven, may the faith you have given us in your son, Jesus Christ, our brother, and the flame of charity enkindled in our hearts by the Holy Spirit, reawaken in us the blessed hope for the coming of your Kingdom.

May your grace transform us into tireless cultivators of the seeds of the Gospel. May those seeds transform from within both humanity and the whole cosmos in the sure expectation of a new heaven and a new earth, when, with the powers of evil vanquished, your glory will shine eternally.

May the grace of the Jubilee reawaken in us, Pilgrims of Hope, a yearning for the treasures of heaven. May that same grace spread the joy and peace of our Redeemer throughout the earth.

To you our God, eternally blessed, be glory and praise for ever. Amen.

This year our parish is also celebrating the 120th Anniversary of the Dedication of Sacred Heart Church. The new church building was completed and dedicated in 1905. On Wednesday, January 15, 2025 at 6:30 p.m. we will have a special mass celebrating the anniversary of the dedication. During that celebration we will also commission all of our parish ministers.

It is a reminder that it is the people who make up the church. It was the parishioners who in the late 1890’s that worked hard to build a beautiful new church in downtown Tampa. It was the many parishioners over the 120 years that continued to serve the parish and help it to grow. Over the last years it was the parishioners who continued to provide for the needs of the parish and community. Over our long parish history we have countless examples of parishioners being that hope to others. During our celebration in January it is a time to celebrate that hope.

Peace and All Good,
Fr. Mike

Sacred Heart to Host Special Anniversary Mass on January 15

On Wednesday, January 15, Sacred Heart Church will celebrate the 120th anniversary of its dedication. On the same date in 1905, Papal Legate (representative/missionary of the Pope) Archbishop Diomede Falconio, along with a consortium of traveling bishops and priests attended the 10 a.m. dedication. This would be among the first services held in the newly completed church, a ticketed event led by the Bishop of St. Augustine, Rev. William J. Kenny.

As written for the Tampa Morning Tribune’s Sunday edition on January 15, 1905: “the completion of this magnificent structure marks an important epoch in the history of Tampa, and its dedication today will be an event to always be remembered by the Catholics throughout America.”

If the event that day was not remembered by all Catholics throughout the country, surely then by our many longstanding parishioners with ancestors that settled in our relatively young city.

Sacred Heart still serves as one of the oldest churches in Florida, and also as one of the oldest structures in our rapidly expanding downtown core. You are invited to celebrate this special anniversary at a 6:30 p.m. Mass on Wednesday, January 15, with a reception immediately following in St. Francis Hall. All are welcome! The Mass will also feature the commissioning of our parish outreach, social, and liturgical ministry leaders, as well as catechists, for their next year of service to Sacred Heart.

This Mass will mark the start of several events throughout 2025 that will help celebrate this special anniversary. Be sure to view future bulletins for details. You can read more about the history of our church by clicking here.