Category Archives: Parish News

Following the Leader | Friar Reflections | 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Saints of God, the Lord be with you!

Most of you know how I feel about the image of shepherd (it doesn’t speak to me) that is found in today’s first reading from the Book of the Prophet Jeremiah (23:1-6), the Responsorial Psalm (23), and today’s Gospel according to Mark (6:30-34). As I’ve been reflecting on these readings, I’ve used the word “leader” instead of “shepherd.” If you think about it, whether we are parents or grandparents, big sisters or brothers, teachers or mentors, or even friars, we are all leaders in someway to someone. The questions that these readings invite us to consider are who are our leaders, and what makes a good leader?

As shown above we are all leaders. Recent scholarship has shown that we all learn by following the example of others (mimetic theory). We first learn from our parents and siblings in our family of origin; then teachers and classmates, then friends and those close to us. In today’s world we must also say we learn from “influencers” on social media, from politicians, religious leaders, bosses … you get the picture. As a professor of mine once said, “everything speaks to us” to which I might add, “everyone has some kind of influence on us (or not).” So, the first question you might consider this week is “who at this present time are you MOST led by?” And, to go a step further, “Whom do you lead, and how and to what?”

As to what makes a good leader, I think as Catholic Christians we are called to look to Christ. When I consider Christ, I see that He showed kindness not vengeance, compassion not indifference, mercy not cruelty, and generosity not selfishness, love not animosity. Jesus never tried to force anyone to do anything, rather He subtly called them to remember that they were made in the image and likeness of God and should live as such. He tried to unite and invite others into what He called the Reign of God, or the Kingdom of Heaven. What Jesus began, we who are the church are called to live out for ourselves and continue. May the Lord give us all energy and courage to follow in His footprints.

– Fr. Steve

Our Drive to Address the School Supply Needs of a Neighboring Parish

Keep on doing what you have learned and received and heard and seen in me.
Then the God of peace will be with you.” | Philippians 4:9

The average cost of school supplies per student in 2023 totaled $591. The National Education Association estimates that teachers spend between $500 and $750 of their own money annually to stock their classroom with necessities often needed by students, and that number is in addition to the allotments they are provided by their school. Sacred Heart is holding its latest Giving from the Heart drive-through donation event on Saturday, August 10, at the North Campus, from 9 to 11 a.m. to help alleviate some of these burdens for the families, students, and teachers of nearby St. Peter Claver Catholic School.

Can’t make it to the North Campus on the day of the drive?

Click the image to access our Amazon Wishlist, and have your donation shipped directly to the parish office!

Volunteers from our Loving Hearts ministry, which regularly collaborates with schools like St. Peter Claver through their “Adopt-a-school” program, will be gathered to receive school supplies ahead of the 2024-25 school year. Members from our Bikes from the Heart ministry will also be on hand with bikes available for purchase that will be donated directly to the school.

Many of you will know that St. Peter Claver School was founded as a mission of the Jesuit Fathers of Sacred Heart in 1893, and is the oldest continuously operating historically black grade school in Florida. The school remains committed to providing a quality education in a safe and nurturing environment, instructing preschoolers through eighth grade.

Items of greatest need include: Zip-Lock bags (all sizes) | Plastic folders w/pockets | #2 pencils (10ct.) | Crayons (24ct.) | Ballpoint pens (blue & black) | Paint brushes (various sizes) | Binder clips (various sizes) | Post-it notes (various sizes) | Assorted construction paper | Copier paper (white) | Crayola markers (8 or 10ct.) | Elmer’s liquid glue (8oz.) Elmer’s glue sticks | 3”x5” index cards | Colored pencils | Notebook paper (either rule) | Sanitizing wipes & spray | Scotch tape (3 pack) | Facial tissues | Paper towels | Dry-erase markers & erasers | Legal Pads

We want to supply the teachers and students of St. Peter Claver with the materials they need to be successful from day one of this coming school year. As always, your generosity is greatly appreciated.

Blessings from the Journey | Friar Reflections | 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

My Good Friends,

I’ve always heard it said from those who have participated in any Camino journey that the experience will change you. Despite being home for more than two weeks now, and while I do believe there has been a shift of some sort, it’s hard to recognize a real change within. Here’s to hoping the change will reveal itself gradually.

The following is a heavily condensed version of the reflection I already shared with my fellow pilgrims at Mass in the Cave of St. Ignatius in Manresa. I shared that for me, during our Camino, I was blessed to be amongst some very holy men. The entire Camino was a mirror of God’s grace where we did not hesitate to open up our lives to each other, both the joys and the heartaches. It was one of tightest bonds among friends I’ve ever experienced. I believe that in our hearts we were all in the presence of something extraordinary. One parishioner on our journey often said that each and every one of us were meant to be there. I am forever grateful having been in this company as we followed the footsteps of St. Ignatius of Loyola.

One of our fellow pilgrims on this Camino journey, John Tempone, has since gone home to God. I’d always recognized John’s holiness. He loved his family. He loved his country. He loved his faith and his church. I felt he loved all of us. Each and every time he received the Eucharist, he would respond with the words of St Thomas, “My Lord and My God.” He took nothing for granted and was in awe of the entire universe around him. It certainly was a blessing for us all to have him amongst us. His enthusiasm and almost childlike love of life, in spite of some terrifying experiences during his career as a highly decorated Marine to which he was exposed, he was, and continues to be, an inspiration for us all.

Members of Sacred Heart Parish alongside Fr. Zack (center left)on the Camino of St. Ignatius

His joyfulness was contagious. John’s presence made this world a better place for all whom have had the privilege of knowing him. He courageously took on life allowing desolation and consolation to be his guide, allowing him always to go forward and never in despair. This was indeed my experience of John Tempone, one that will stay with me always, a truly holy man, a devoted husband, an inspiring and wise father, and loving grandfather. A humble mentor to all with a deep sincerity within.

Our Ignatian Camino retreat was meant to be an opportunity for the discovery of the presence of God in our lives. I for one was blessed to not only be walking with men like John, but with all of you. John helped us all to discover that change happens by acknowledgment, participation, and by allowing Him who loves us, to provide us with love and grace as we strive courageously in loving ourselves and each other. Godspeed my friend!

My heartfelt appreciation to you all, especially to those who helped create and organize this experience for us, for it is indeed the journey and not the destination!

-Fr. Zack

Registration for Faith Formation Now Open (2024-25)

Family Faith Formation: Sacred Heart offers a non-traditional approach to assist parents in forming the faith of their children. Family Faith Formation is exactly what it says – families sharing and growing in faith. Registration for Family Faith Formation is now available. Registration is open to all families who have children ages four (4) through high school.  Sessions are held twice monthly, September through May, on Wednesday evenings or Sunday mornings, at the North Campus. Registration forms and additional information are available here. For additional information including key dates and the family handbook, click here. Update (9/10/24) | Spaces remain for Wednesday sessions for the 2024/25 Catechetical Year. Sunday sessions are fully registered and unavailable.

Sacrament RegistrationIf your child will be preparing to receive Reconciliation, Eucharist, or Confirmation this coming year and you were enrolled in Family Faith Formation this past year, families should expect to receive a mailing with registration forms and schedules in the coming days.

If you are new to the parish and have not attended Family Faith Formation at Sacred Heart -OR- your child attends a Catholic School, please contact Maria Giral at 813-229-1595 ext. 214 or Barbara Ferreris 813-229-1595 ext. 204 for registration information and materials. Sacramental preparation takes place in the parish, and is not handled through the Catholic school your child may attend. For more information, click here.

CLOW: Children’s Liturgy of the Word will resume on Sunday, September 8, at the 9 a.m. Mass. Immediately prior to the Liturgy of the Word, children and catechists are dismissed from the church to the St. Clare Room to celebrate a Liturgy of the Word geared towards children. They then rejoin the Mass and their families during the Preparation of the Gifts for the remainder of the liturgy. Registration forms and additional information are available here.

RCIA: The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process by which adults from other faith traditions are received into full communion with the Catholic Church. RCIA is a journey of faith that not-yet baptized adults, as well as baptized adults, complete with the help of a sponsor, the catechists, the discernment team, and above all, on the strength of their own conviction and desire to grow in their faith.

Are you or someone you know interested in the Catholic faith? RCIA sessions will resume in September. Please visit the “Adult Faith Formation” page or call Barbara Ferreris in the parish office at 813-229-1595 ext. 204 for more.

Volunteer In Faith Formation: Our parishioners have faithfully answered their Baptismal call and have responded to our needs for volunteers in our faith formation programs. But, there is still room for a few more! If you are prayerfully considering sharing your time and talent in this ministry, we have many ways you can help.

  • Sunday morning Family Faith facilitators
  • Children’s Liturgy of the Word (Sunday 9 a.m. Mass)
  • Wednesday evening Family Faith facilitators
  • Sacrament Preparation Catechists

We invite you to become a part of our amazing team — serving God and our Sacred Heart community! To learn how you can help, please contact our Faith Formation department via email or at 813-229-1595, Ext. 204 or 214.

Responding to the Eucharist | From the Desk of the Pastor | July 2024

Dear Parishioners,

Many of you might have seen on the diocesan website that the National Eucharistic Congress will be held July 17-21, 2024, in Indianapolis. Reflecting on this event, two quotes sprang to mind. The first is from Cardinal Joseph Bernardin’s address at the Eucharistic Congress in Nairobi, Kenya in August of 1985. Entitled “Satisfying the Hungers of the World’s Children: Eucharist: Call to Unity and Peace,” he stated,

“The Eucharist, rightly understood and received, demands that we respond. Having received forgiveness and reconciliation, we are prompted to forgive others, to be reconciled with them. Having experienced the peace and fellowship of the Lord’s Table, we are compelled to work for justice and harmony in the world. Having experienced the unity of the One Table, we are enabled and mobilized to work for peace, harmony, and unity among all God’s children. In fact, in the Beatitudes the title ‘God’s children’ is especially reserved for peacemakers.”

The second quote came from Pope Francis in his book “The Joy of the Gospel” in which he writes, “The Eucharist, although it is the fullness of sacramental life, is not a prize for the perfect but a powerful medicine and nourishment for the weak.”

Cardinal Bernardin reminds us the Eucharist demands that we respond to the Gospel. Pope Francis reminds us that the Eucharist gives us the nourishment we need to respond to the Gospel.

There are many ways we can respond to our faith here at Sacred Heart. Participation in ministries like Hands of Hope, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, or Bikes from the Heart are just a few ways people in our parish live out our faith. There so many opportunities for people to put their faith into action within our parish. The important thing is for us all to live and share our faith to the best of our abilities.

The Friars and I are looking forward to seeing you and your families at our new event coming up on July 12. The Summer Social will be feature a fantastic barbecue dinner provided by Big John’s Alabama BBQ. Believe me, if you like barbecue you will really enjoy the ribs and chicken and great sides from this Tampa staple. There will also be great games like inflatable axe throwing (this is safe!) and inflatable basketball hoops where the high scores will receive fun prizes. Whether or not you think you can dance, be sure to take in one of the several line-dancing classes that will take place several times over the evening. And to cool you down from all the activities, sno-cones will be on offer. Our Knights of Columbus Council #12110 will also be on hand to serve refreshing drinks including adult beverages.

So come and enjoy a nice summer evening and dinner with your fellow parishioners. Tickets to the dinner are $15 for adults and $8 for kids under 12. Information on how to purchase tickets can be found by clicking here.

Peace and All Good,
– Fr. Mike

Quieting the Storm | Deacon Reflections | Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Friends,

Today, we reflect on the powerful message conveyed to us in the Gospel of Mark, where we find the account of Jesus calming the storm. In this passage, we witness not only the authority of Jesus over the natural elements but also the profound lesson He imparts to His disciples, a lesson that resonates with us today. The need to have faith.

Imagine the scene: Jesus and His disciples are on a boat crossing the Sea of Galilee. Suddenly, a fierce storm arises, the wind howls, the waves crash against the boat, and panic sets in among the disciples. In their fear, they wake Jesus, crying out, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” How often do we find ourselves in the midst of life’s storms, feeling overwhelmed and afraid? We may face challenges, uncertainties, and trials that threaten to engulf us. In those moments, it’s natural to cry out to God, just as the disciples did. We question whether He sees our struggles, whether He cares about our suffering. We’ve all been there and Jesus was right there with us.

Barbara and I have dealt with many life’s storms together, I know you have as well. While I was in diaconate formation and feeling good about our life, we were hit with the big “C”, cancer. My beautiful wife who has never hurt a fly was diagnosed with breast cancer. My world was turned upside down. I was so upset and full of fear and I questioned God at the time, and realized I didn’t have the faith my wife did. She saw I was broken and I couldn’t do anything to help her. She looked at me and said “Well, this is another chapter of my story I can tell of my journey with Christ.”

Wow! I was taken aback. Here I was asking “why?”, and all I needed to trust and have faith in Him and everything would be fine according to His will: “Peace! Be Still!”. She was convicted in her faith in Jesus from the beginning, and through a lot of prayer, trust, surgeries and treatment, she is cancer free, Praise God! In this life storm I learned a huge lesson on how faith plays a major role in our lives as we follow Christ.

Like the disciples, we often allow fear to overshadow our faith. We forget that the One who calmed the storm in Galilee is the same One who walks with us through the storms of life today. In every trial and tribulation, Jesus invites us to trust in Him, to have faith that He is in control, even when everything around us seems out of control. Reflecting on the poem Footprints, it brings me peace knowing I am never alone. I hope you find comfort in these words as well.

Read the poem “Footprints”

One night I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord. Many scenes from my life flashed across the sky.

In each scene I noticed footprints in the sand. Sometimes there were two sets of footprints, other times there were one set of footprints.

This bothered me because I noticed that during the low periods of my life, when I was suffering from anguish, sorrow or defeat, I could see only one set of footprints.

So I said to the Lord, ”You promised me Lord, that if I followed you, you would walk with me always. But I have noticed that during the most trying periods of my life there have
only been one set of footprints in the sand. Why, when I needed you most, you have not been there for me?”

The Lord replied, “The times when you have seen only one set of footprints, is when I carried you.”

Let us take heart from this Gospel and remember that no storm is too great for Jesus to handle. Let us turn to Him in faith, knowing that He hears our cries and is always ready to give peace into our lives. May we find solace in His presence and strength in His unfailing love, confident that with Jesus, we can weather any storm that comes our way.

May God bless you and keep you, now and always. Amen.

– Deacon Ray

Growing in His Time | Friar Reflections | 11th SIOT

Saints of God, the Lord be with you!

My friend Antonio is one of the most patient people I know. Not only does he put up with me, but when we video chat once a week and I see how he interacts with his two-year-old son Augustus, he’s downright saintly. And if this isn’t enough, he is a gardener who starts his garden from seeds growing in pots in early spring.

When I meditate on the first reading from the Book of the Prophet Ezekiel (17: 22-24) “I will take from the crest of the cedar, from its topmost branches tear off a tender shoot…” and then read from the Gospel according to Mark (4: 26-34) the parable of the mustard seed, “the smallest of all the seeds on the earth” I am reminded of God’s patience, and His proclivity to choose small things through which to work.

I suppose God could have chosen a mighty and strong people to be his own, but he chose the Jews. I suppose God could have chosen a rich queen from a large metropolis to become His mother, instead He chose a poor teenage girl, from a town of no importance. I suppose the Word of God could have come into the world fully grown and strong, but He became a small and vulnerable human baby. God has His reasons for choosing the small and weak. Perhaps it’s so His grace will become ever more evident. Who knows?

Most of us, in the eyes of the world are nobodies, destined to be nobodies. But in God’s eyes we are all somebodies. God has begun a good work in us, and God will see that good worked finished. All we need to do is cooperate with Him.

That mustard seed has grown into “the largest of plants and puts forth large branches, so that the birds of the sky can dwell in its shade.” A beautiful image of what the Church at large should be (the bush denies no bird a home), and a beautiful image of what Sacred Heart parish is: a place of peace and rest to all in downtown Tampa.

Today, let us continue to grow, in patience toward one another and ourselves and in hospitality to our neighbors. In this way we will continue to cooperate with God and His good work already begun in us will bear fruit.

-Fr. Steve

Believe and Speak | Staff Side Notes | Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

A sneak peak at the new “San Damiano Studio” in the parish office.

Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians is referred to as a more reflective extension his first. Scholars will assert the first letter had some tense moments and stern redirection for the community in Corinth, while the second letter was a bit more positive and wide-ranging. In our reading of the second letter this weekend, Paul hits us with some of that positivity and encouragement in the face of differences and difficulties, to center us all on our faith.

“Since, then, we have the same spirit of faith, according to what is written, “I believed, therefore I spoke,” we too believe and therefore speak…” (2 Cor 4:13)

Speaking publicly in any fashion can be a difficult or less than desirable activity. That’s partially why communications and public relations staffers exist. We coach clients who are nervous to give speeches at networking events. We ghostwrite presentations and media pieces to ensure the accuracy of the information needing to be delivered. We create talking points for interviews and press conferences to give our colleagues something to fall back on. All that prep, all that work still may not be enough for a polished delivery.

And guess what? That’s O.K.

Prior to this opening line and again throughout our reading, Paul describes the paradox of their ministry. He does so to encourage those who may be afraid of persecution that they are not alone in their mission to spread the Good News. While that persecution is more graphically detailed by Paul as a potential matter of mortality, a life in Christ is heralded as the confidence we should take into an anxious situation. So what if you are tripping over yourself while reading at Mass? So what if you aren’t able to speak as eloquently as you may have rehearsed for that business proposal? If your heart is in it and your belief is there, that will come through, so SPEAK!

That is the intention for our communications here at Sacred Heart as we begin to activate some new tools and channels this year. I am nearly finished with what will be called the “San Damiano Studio,” a space for us to develop content that will feature theology, catechism, and our parish outreach efforts. New ministry features will soon begin, to ensure all parishioners know what groups and communities are available to them within the parish, and how they may participate. In conjunction with the church’s 120th anniversary, we hope to have a revamped website in place. A new committee to advise and assist these efforts volunteers is also in its infancy.

We have such an impactful story to tell from this parish, so we should work confidently together to tell it!

– Rob Boelke
Director of Communications

An Update On Our Work | From the Desk of the Pastor | June 2024

Dear Parishioners,

It is hard to believe that we are already into the summer months. As we move into this new season, I wish to provide you with an update on our current preservation efforts along the front façade.

Where to begin…? Many of you have asked how long with the scaffolding be up? We originally reported between 12 and 14 weeks, but unfortunately, our contractor, All Trades Historical Restoration, has found additional damage which will now extend that time by about three to four weeks. The timetable now to finish phase one would be the end of August, provided there are no additional repairs needed. The additional work will add about $65,000 to the original estimate of $200,000. A reminder that phase one of this preservation project covers the top two-thirds of the front façade, along with a few other items. Here is a summary of what is being done:

Cross | An engineer is making a plan for a new base for the cross which usually adorns the top of the façade. The cross itself wasn’t damaged but the base had corroded due to the age of the building. The original cross will be repositioned on the new base.

Flashing | When examining the cross, our contractor noticed the roof’s flashing was loose, likely a cause of some of the water damage to the inside of the church. They will be resealing flashing to fix the leaks.

Rose Window | This is where most of the new damage was found. After inspecting the window, our contractor discovered more than 67 fractures of various sizes on the rose window. Each of these will need to be sealed and painted to match. The fractures are simply due to age and the sun beating down on the building.

Sacred Heart of Jesus | I am not sure many of you will have noticed this, but the fingers on the one hand of Jesus are missing. They fell off years ago, though we were able to recover them. Our contractor will be reattaching them to the statue.

Doors | The three remaining sets of doors yet to be restored will be part of this initial phase. It is plain to see the damage due to the sun hitting on them day after day. Our contractor will remove the doors to work on them.

Similarly to the northernmost entryway, the other entryways will be sealed up with plywood during that time. Work will alternate to ensure two entryways will remain available for parishioners and visitors to use. With the handicap doorway along Twiggs Street, a temporary door will be placed to ensure the continued use of the handicap ramp.

Keep in mind that this work does not include what will need to be done to address the water damage on the inside of the church, but it does help stop causes of that damage.

Staff and volunteers are applying for grants from the county and state to provide some additional money for the next phases of work on the outside of the building. The next phase would cost between $200,000 and $300,000 depending on how much we can afford to do at that time.

Regarding the North Campus… staff and committee members have been meeting with the diocese, architects and a kitchen designer to best determine what will need to be done for the kitchen at the North Campus. As we continue assessments, the building’s plumbing is becoming a major issue. The drain pipes in the kitchen have collapsed due to age. All new plumbing will have to be installed, and would include the bathrooms in the auditorium as well. Our team is looking at what we actually would need and will use for the parish regarding the kitchen design. Once we settle on a final design, we will be able to get more of an idea on what the cost would be to renovate the kitchen.

A development committee is being assembled to aid the parish in fundraising, seeking applicable grants, and creating a new parochial legacy program. All money raised through these vehicles will aid the church and the North Campus. Our church turns 120 years old next January. The majority of the North Campus is more than 50 years old. If we ignore any problems we find today, it will cost the parish much more in the future. Luckily, we have many dedicated parishioners who want to help. If you have experience in raising money and would like to help, please reach out.

Peace and All Good,

– Fr. Mike

Upcoming Drive Benefits Tampa Hope, SVdP Following Feast of the Sacred Heart

St. John Paul II said, “The Sacred Heart has given us everything — redemption, salvation, sanctification.” The Sacred Heart is the actual heart of Christ and also indicates His love for humanity. We each have the chance to exemplify that love within our community at our next Giving from the Heart drive-through donation drive, scheduled for Saturday, June 8, from 10 a.m. to noon at the North Campus. Volunteers from our parish’s Knights of Columbus and St. Vincent de Paul councils will be gathered the day after our parish feast day to greet donors as they drop off needed supplies for our beneficiaries which include both St. Vincent de Paul and the Tampa Hope homeless shelter.

Can’t make it to the North Campus on the day of the drive?

Click the image to access our Amazon Wishlist, and have your donation shipped directly to the parish office!

Opened in 2021, Tampa Hope houses dozens of local homeless in semi-permanent shelters while providing food, clothing, transportation, education, employment and benefits assistance, substance abuse and mental health counseling, basic medical care, and case management services in an effort to help reestablish permanent housing. The shelter recently opened the first of their Hope Cottages, 64-square-foot, climate-controlled micro-homes which offer their clients privacy and security as they continue on their recovery paths. Sacred Heart is an original partner of the facility, which is located in East Tampa.

Items of greatest need include: bed sheets (twin), blankets (twin), men’s and women’s underwear (new, all sizes), bath and hand towels, laundry bags, shower shoes (men’s and women’s), deodorant, single-use paper products (plates, napkins, towels) single-use silverware, cleaning products, travel-size toiletries, bug-spray, sunscreen, storage containers

Following Christ’s call to serve the poor, the suffering, and the deprived, St. Vincent de Paul works to ease an individual or family’s initial emergency, then shepherd them into programs that can bring lasting change. Many will know Sacred Heart’s group of SVdP volunteers as one of the 13 conferences for the non-profit within Hillsborough County. SVdP has operated in Hillsborough County since 1932.

Items of greatest need include: new and used clothing, including men’s jeans, socks, shoes, and underwear, non-perishable and single-serving food items and dinners

As always, your generosity is greatly appreciated.