All posts by Rob Boelke

Fr. Stephen’s Final Letter to Parishioners

As announced at all Masses on Dec. 12, 2021, our Pastor, Fr. Stephen Mimnaugh, OFM, has been assigned by the Franciscan Friars of Holy Name Province to a new post at St. Bonaventure University in Allegany, New York.

In lieu of any large gatherings ahead of his departure, Fr. Stephen will meet with parishioners outside the church following all Masses on Sunday, Jan. 16. Fr. Stephen will also preside over three Masses on Sunday, at 9 a.m., 10:30 a.m., and 5:30 p.m. We hope you take a moment to wish Fr. Stephen well as you leave Mass.

The friars, Deacon Ray, and parish staff of Sacred Heart wish Fr. Stephen well on this new assignment.

Fr. Stephen’s final letter to Sacred Heart parishioners:

(Printed for 1/16/21 Parish Bulletin)

Dear Sacred Heart parishioners,

Nothing makes a change in liturgical season more present for me than putting on vestments of a color that I have not worn recently. Violet announces Advent and Lent. White arrives at the end of each preparatory season with the excitement and activity of Christmas or Easter. When the calendar calls for a return to green, I feel a sense of comfort pulling a green chasuble over my head after those vestments hung untouched. Ordinary Time announces that things will return to normal. I chose “normal” intentionally recognizing how our shared understanding of its meaning has evolved over the past two years. Was “new normal” ever a turn of phrase so commonly used as it is now?

I write this — my final bulletin note — while the church is still decorated for Christmas, anticipating that when I put on green vestments for the Second Sunday of Ordinary Time it will be to bid you farewell. As I mentioned earlier, this change is occurring sooner than we had anticipated, and so I am feeling mixed emotions. I am saddened to know there are things I will not get to see firsthand. However, I am eager and excited to see my brothers, led by Fr. Mike as Pastor, continuing in their ministry here. I am also grateful for the many wonderful things I have witnessed in the 16 months that I have been privileged to serve at Sacred Heart. Your accomplishments as a community of faith have been truly uplifting.

When the new friars arrived in September 2020, things were very different than they are now. Half the pews were roped off; Mass attendance was a fraction of what it is now; live streaming required a camera and monitor in front of the sanctuary making Mass look like a TV set. All of us felt less connected than we do now. Even the anxiety of life before vaccines seems like a distant memory despite less than a year having elapsed. The world is seeing another wave of illness but one that is less anxiety producing than earlier waves. We have learned how to be members of the Living Body of Christ serving others while protecting the wellbeing of all.

Together we have created new ways of service through Giving from the Heart and discovered that in giving we truly do receive. Sacred Heart has been honored for its commitment to serving the community. After many years of effort, Catholic Charities opened Tampa Hope to serve the homeless and Sacred Heart will be a part of its future success. There are great things happening in Tampa and at Sacred Heart. Although I may observe these great things from 1,200 miles away, I am confident that great things will happen.

You have likely noticed that each friar has his own style of presiding and preaching. Some of you may have noticed that I have a fondness for one of the lesser-used options for dismissal at Mass. The Roman Missal give four options:

  • Go forth, the Mass is ended.
  • Go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life.
  • Go in peace.
  • Go and announce the Gospel of the Lord.

I typically use the fourth option. The Rule of the Franciscans begins with these words, “The rule and life of the lesser brothers is this: To observe the holy gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ…” The Gospel is not uniquely the Franciscan rule. It is the rule for all Christians. In John 13:34, Jesus gave us a simple commandment, love one another. Sacred Heart — so aptly and providentially named — truly follows this commandment. Thank you for teaching me how to do so better.

Peace and all good,
Fr. Stephen

Our own Fr. Mike Jones, OFM will assume the role of pastor on January 17, 2022, as described in a letter from Fr. Kevin Mullen, OFM, the Provincial Minister for Holy Name Province, regarding Fr. Stephen’s upcoming transfer. You can read both Fr. Kevin’s letter, and the announcement from Fr. Stephen by clicking the tabs below:

Letter from Fr. Kevin Mullen, OFM, Provincial Minister for Holy Name Province

Letter from Fr. Stephen Mimnaugh, OFM, Pastor of Sacred Heart Catholic Church


Outreach Event Connects Services to Our Homeless Neighbors

A heartfelt and humble thank you goes out to all of our dedicated partners, vendors, volunteers, donors, and staff who made Sacred Heart’s 2022 Homeless Outreach Event at the North Campus such a huge success.

Held Jan. 11, this was just the second event of its kind hosted by Sacred Heart, and the first since 2019. Originally scheduled for Sept. 2021, the event was postponed due to COVID concerns, similarly to why the event was unable to be held in 2020. Despite those challenges, organizers remained in contact and mobilized in droves last week to help address the needs of the most vulnerable members of our community.

Eighteen attendees were placed into housing directly from the event, with three others qualifying for conviction expungements, and dozens more linked to mental health, substance abuse, health and veteran services.

From shower trucks and haircuts, to health screenings and legal assistance, more than 100 attendees were assisted by the more than 25 service providers on hand, which included:

  • ACTS
  • Seace Law
  • Heights Dental
  • Tampa Police Department
  • Hillsborough Area Regional Transit (HART)
  • Hillsborough Co. Sheriff’s Office
  • Hillsborough Co. Government
  • Early Learning Coalition
  • 2 The Next Chapter
  • Florida Blue
  • Cove Behavioral Health
  • AA
  • Tampa Crossroads
  • Hillsborough Co. Veteran Services
  • Brandon Elks Lodge 2383
  • Bikes 4 Christ
  • Hunter Law Group
  • Created Women
  • Tampa Hope
  • Catholic Charities
  • Nzema Community Development
  • Metropolitan Ministries
  • Community Pet Project
  • Family Health Care Foundation
  • Unbroken Dreams
  • Guided Path Foundation

Special thanks to organizers Felix Vega, Michael Fabianski, Don Murray, and all of our parishioners who volunteered!

View a gallery of photos from the 2022 Homeless Outreach Event Below:

2021 Year In Review – The Blessings of Sacred Heart

In 2021, resilience, philanthropy, and determination were well and truly on display within the Sacred Heart parish community. As we continue to struggle with the unknowns that clouded much of these last two years, paths were forged by the parishioners, friars, ministries and staff of Sacred Heart throughout 2021, evidenced by dozens of successful outreach & donation campaigns and fellowship events.
  • 2021 saw the continuation of our “Giving From the Heart” donation drives, with six separate events taking place throughout the year, and goods being collected for charities like Love INC, St. Vincent de Paul, the Crisis Center of Tampa Bay, and many more.
  • Assisting our partners at Catholic Charities, the Diocese of St. Petersburg and the City of Tampa, we saw Tampa Hope, a new homeless rehabilitation facility, open its doors.
  • Catholic Charities recognized the parish with its annual Angel Award, in part from efforts like those just described.
  • We relaunched our choir, docent tours, and fellowship activities, providing a more familiar environment for our parishioners and visitors.
  • Service awards were presented by the Diocese of St. Petersburg to parishioner Kathy Palmer (St. Jude Medal) and faith formation staffer Maria Giral (20th anniversary with DOSP) for their continued service to Sacred Heart and the broader Catholic Community of Tampa Bay.
  • A new historical marker was placed in downtown Tampa by Hillsborough County and the City of Tampa recognizing one of Sacred Heart’s founding families and their role in the establishment of our parish.

We are blessed to have a parish filled with kindness, compassion, and generosity, as well as dedicated volunteers who exemplify those traits in their time, effort and dedication to the church and our community. We look forward to many more blessings in 2022.

Take a look through the blessings from 2021 in the gallery below. (Photos will load slowly)

Online Mass – Solemnity of Blessed Virgin Mary & The Epiphany of The Lord

Thank you for participating in Sacred Heart’s Mass, whether in person or online. On this page you can find the readings for the celebration(s) as well as the music for Mass.

A Letter from Fr. Stephen

In an announcement made at all Masses on the weekend of 12/19/2021, pastor Fr. Stephen Mimnaugh, OFM notified the parishioners of Sacred Heart of his transfer to the friar fraternity at St. Bonaventure University in Olean, New York, effective in January, 2022.

Fr. Stephen’s new assignment will see him working alongside those at the 163-year-old Catholic university,  learning the connections between higher education and social service agencies, and setting him on a path toward further service in post-secondary education administration for the Franciscan Friars of Holy Name Province.

Our own Fr. Mike Jones, OFM will assume the role of pastor on January 17, 2022, as described in a letter from Fr. Kevin Mullen, OFM, the Provincial Minister for Holy Name Province, regarding Fr. Stephen’s upcoming transfer.

Coming to Sacred Heart in 2020, Fr. Stephen worked diligently to help guide the parish through the trials of the COVID-19 pandemic over the last year and a half. In a companion letter, Fr. Stephen stated his admiration for the “exemplary Christian discipleship” displayed by the parishioners of Sacred Heart, as well as his excitement for a new beginning.

The friars, deacon, and staff of Sacred Heart wish Fr. Stephen well on this new assignment.

Read the letters from both Fr. Kevin Mullen & Fr. Stephen below:
Letter from Fr. Kevin Mullen, OFM, Provincial Minister for Holy Name Province

Letter from Fr. Stephen Mimnaugh, OFM, Pastor of Sacred Heart Catholic Church