All posts by Rob Boelke

Online Mass | Third Sunday of Easter

Music and Readings for the Third Sunday of Easter | April 14, 2024:

Opening Song: We Walk By Faith G 740

Psalm 4Lift up the light of your face on us, O LORD.

(Text: Abbey Psalms & Canticles © 2010, 2018 USCCB; Music: © 2023, Philip Jakob)

Gospel Acclamation: Easter Alleluia (Hurd)

Confirmation (Noon Mass): This is our faith, this is the faith of the Church,
We are proud to profess it in Christ Jesus our Lord.
(© Ateliers et Presses de Taize, GIA)

Come, Holy Spirit, descend on them, descend on them.
We make our prayer in Jesus’ name. (© 1995, WGRG, Iona Community, GIA)

Preparation of the Gifts: On the Journey to Emmaus G 579

Eucharistic Acclamations: Mass of Resurrection (Holy – We Proclaim – Amen)

Lamb of God: Mass of Resurrection 

Communion Song: In the Breaking of the Bread G 582

Dismissal: Surrexit Christus G 568

Rolling Back the Stone | From the Desk of the Pastor | April 2024

Sisters and brothers,

On Easter Sunday we heard a passage from the Gospel of Mark (16:2-4), stating “Very early when the sun had risen, on the first day of the week, they came to the tomb. They were saying to one another, “Who will roll back the stone for us from the entrance to the tomb?” When they looked up, they saw that the stone had been rolled back; it was very large.”

Pope Francis in his Easter Vigil address this year talked about the stone. He stated:

  • “There are times when we may feel that a great stone blocks the door of our hearts, stifling life, extinguishing hope, imprisoning us in the tomb of our fears and regrets, and standing in the way of joy and hope. We encounter such “tombstones” on our journey through life in all the experiences and situations that rob us of enthusiasm and of the strength to persevere. We encounter them at times of sorrow: in the emptiness left by the death of our loved ones, in the failures and fears that hold us back from accomplishing the good we mean to do. We encounter them in all the forms of self-absorption that stifle our impulses to generosity and sincere love, in the rubber walls of selfishness and indifference that hold us back in the effort to build more just and humane cities and societies, in all our aspirations for peace that are shattered by cruel hatred and the brutality of war. When we experience these disappointments, do we also have the sensation that all these dreams are doomed to failure, and that we too should ask ourselves in anguish: “Who will roll away the stone from the tomb?”

    Yet the same women who bore this darkness in their hearts tell us something quite extraordinary. When they looked up, they saw that the stone, which was very large, had already been rolled back. This is the Pasch of Christ, the revelation of God’s power: the victory of life over death, the triumph of light over darkness, the rebirth of hope amid the ruins of failure. It is the Lord, the God of the impossible, who rolled away the stone forever. Even now, he opens our tombs, so that hope may be born ever anew. We too, then, should “look up” to him.”

Last weekend we saw the evidence of that stone rolled back for us in our celebration of the Triduum and Easter Sunday. Many ministries came together to help with the planning and organization of these celebrations alongside those who volunteered and served at all the services. A lot of that heavy lifting was accomplished by our Liturgical Advisory Committee, our Faith Formation staff and catechists, the Environment Committee, our altar servers, ushers, readers, Eucharistic Ministers, cantors, and choir. It’s also important to recognize the ministries we don’t always see in action, that play a pivotal roll in the background, including those who clean the altar linens, the money counters, and the parish staff who go above and beyond to ensure the success of these liturgies. Our parish’s outreach and social ministries also played a role in the Triduum. At the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday, members from the Open Doors ministry prepared the altar. The basket of food presented during the Preparation of the Gifts was collected by our St. Vincent de Paul Society volunteers in March.

We often focus on being “trapped in the tomb.” That wasn’t the case this Easter. A group of twelve came into the Church at the Vigil. Over the past year they each shared their story of how the stone was rolled away for them as they came into their faith in Christ. On Easter Sunday, nearly 4,000 came to our parish to celebrate their faith in the Risen Lord. It is the witness of all these people who encourage all of us to continue on in our own faith.

I want to thank everyone who assisted us over these past weeks in creating these prayerful and faith-filled celebrations. Pope Francis at the Easter Vigil this year concluded by saying, “In the darkness, let an unexpected shout of joy resound: He is alive; he is risen! And you, my brothers and sisters, small and great … you who are weary of life, who feel unworthy to sing… let a new flame be kindled in your heart, let new vitality be heard in your voice. It is the Pasch of the Lord; it is the feast of the living.” Our parish is alive with the faith of the Risen Lord.

Peace and All Good,
Fr. Mike

Online Mass | Second Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy)

Music and Readings for the Second Sunday of Easter | April 7, 2024:

Opening Song: Baptized In Water G 993

Psalm 118: Give praise to the LORD, for he is good; his mercy endures forever.

(Text: Abbey Psalms & Canticles © 2010, 2018 USCCB; Music: © 2023, Philip Jakob)

Gospel Acclamation: Easter Alleluia (Hurd)

Preparation of the Gifts: Jesus Christ is Risen Today G 556

Eucharistic Acclamations: Mass of Resurrection (Holy – We Proclaim – Amen)

Lamb of God: Mass of Resurrection 

Communion Song: Eye Has Not Seen G 785

Dismissal: Goodness is Stronger than Evil G 567

Online Mass | Easter Sunday 2024

Music and Readings for The Resurrection of the Lord | The Mass of Easter Day | March 31, 2024:

Opening Song: Earth, Earth Awake G 575

Psalm 118: This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice in it and be glad. (2)

(Text: Abbey Psalms & Canticles © 2010, 2018 USCCB; Music: © 2023, Philip Jakob)

Gospel Acclamation: Easter Alleluia (Hurd)

Sprinkling Rite: Water of life, holy reminder; touching, renewing the body of Christ. (2) © 1994, Jaime Cortez. OCP

Preparation of the Gifts: Jesus Christ is Risen Today G 556

Eucharistic Acclamations: Mass of Creation G 231, 234, 238 (Holy – We Proclaim – Amen)

Lamb of God: Mass of Creation G 240

Communion Song: I Am the Bread of Life G 1008

Dismissal: Sing with All the Saints in Glory G 563

  • Readings for The Resurrection of the Lord | The Mass of Easter Day, March 31, 2024
  • Lyrics and Mass Order for The Resurrection of the Lord | The Mass of Easter Day, March 31, 2024

Online Mass | The Easter Triduum (2024)

Thank you for participating in Sacred Heart’s Mass, whether in person or online. On this page you can find the readings for our celebrations as well as the music for Mass.

Upcoming Drive Benefits Catholic Charities Pregnancy Center, Homeless Ministry

Don’t miss this opportunity to put your faith into action within our community! Our next Giving from the Heart drive-through donation drive is scheduled for Saturday April 13, from 10 a.m. to noon at the North Campus. Volunteers from our parish’s prayer groups, and Faith Community Nursing ministry will be on hand to greet donors as they drop off needed supplies for our beneficiaries which include the Foundations of Life Pregnancy Centers of Catholic Charities, and our own Hands of Hope ministry.

Can’t make it to the North Campus on the day of the drive?

Click the image to access our Amazon Wishlist, and have your donation shipped directly to the parish office!

Members from the Men’s and Women’s Prayer Groups, in the spirit of our parish’s recent ministry retreat, are collaborating to benefit the Foundations of Life Pregnancy Centers, a special service offered by Catholic Charities. The centers provide support services to women who are facing an unplanned pregnancy. The centers offer free, confidential and nonjudgmental assistance to women of all ages, stressing to their clients that they don’t have to face their unplanned pregnancy alone. The centers also assist with the essentials needed for early childcare.

Items of greatest need include: diapers (sizes 4-6 preferred), formula, Wipes, baby lotion, baby wash & shampoo, diaper rash creams, sprays, or ointments, baby blankets, bottles, pacifiers, baby clothes (onesies or sizes 9M-18M, up to 2T), baby caps & booties, used strollers, baby carriers, baby food.

Each Saturday, our Hands of Hope ministry gathers together to prepare a meal for our homeless neighbors and then distributes it downtown while offering friendship and fellowship to the people we serve.

Items of greatest need include: toilet paper, shampoo, refillable plastic bottles (4-6 oz), conditioner, bar soap, deodorant, razors, foot powder, tooth brushes, tooth paste, feminine pads (large), adult diapers, bug spray, individually wrapped granola bars, chips, and water bottles, blankets, back packs, tote bags (thick materials preferred), plastic grocery bags, non-specific gift cards (Visa, etc.)

As always, your generosity is greatly appreciated.

Witness to the Journey | Deacon Reflections | Palm Sunday

Dear Friends,

“For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”

Today is Palm Sunday, the beginning of Holy Week. Today, we once again welcome Jesus into our lives as we relive the pain and suffering of Our Lord’s death and celebrate the incredible joy of His Resurrection. These forthcoming holiest of days allow us to share in His suffering, journeying alongside Him through His Passion, the Cross, but also to share in His Rising and new life! The liturgies invite us to immerse ourselves in the events that took place and we have the opportunity to lay down our lives freely by actively participating in them.

We begin today with Jesus’ triumphant arrival in Jerusalem, where the crowds greet Him by waving palms and saying “Hosanna in the Highest!” This joy quickly turns to sorrow with the suffering and death of Christ as we listen and participate in the Passion reading during the second Gospel today.

We then enter into this week continuing with our Lenten observances of prayer, fasting and almsgiving and pause to hopefully reflect more and prepare our hearts for the upcoming Triduum. The Easter Triduum is the shortest, yet holiest season of the Church year. Lent is over. We begin this sacred time with the Celebration of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday, continuing with the Passion of the Lord on Good Friday,  culminating with the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday evening. 

You’ll notice the Mass does not end on Holy Thursday – it is the start of one continuous liturgy celebrated over the three days. There is no opening hymn or prayer as we begin the Passion of the Lord on Good Friday, nor does the presider end the liturgy with the Sign of the Cross. The majority of Holy Saturday is a day of preparation and fasting as we wait for the joyful Resurrection of Christ from the tomb at the Easter Vigil after sundown. The Triduum begins sundown Thursday evening and concludes at sundown Easter Sunday. If you’ve never participated in any of these liturgies, I invite and encourage you to join us this year. I promise, you will see our faith and love for our God in a much more meaningful and beautiful way.

This week we will also be a witness and continue the journey with the twelve Elect who said “yes” to the Catholic faith and Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. These men and women have been in the R.C.I.A. process for months, some even longer than a year, but they all have one thing in common: the love for our Lord and the willingness to follow Him.

As a community of faith, it is a blessing for each of us, to be part of their faith journey especially as they approach the Easter Sacraments this Saturday evening. This is also a wonderful way for each of us, as baptized Christians, to renew our own baptismal promises and serve as a model to the 12 Elect that their journey has been worth their effort, and that this is only the beginning!

The gift of, or that feeling of belonging is something we cannot teach. It is learned by doing. St. Francis of Assisi stated “Do what is yours to do.” May we continue in the ways of St. Francis and enter into this Holy Week with a deepened desire to journey in faith through the Life, Death and Resurrection of Christ through these sacred liturgies.

Peace of Christ,
Deacon Ray Ferreris

Online Mass | Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion

Music and Readings for Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion | March 24, 2024:

At the Procession with Palms – Gospel: Mark 11:1-10

Opening Song: All Glory, Laud, and Honor G 535

No Penitential Rite

C.L.O.W. Dismissal (9 a.m. only): Go Now In Peace

Psalm 130: My God, my God why have you forsaken me? Why have you forsaken me, my God?

(Text: Abbey Psalms & Canticles © 2010, 2018 USCCB; Music: © 2023, Philip Jakob)

Gospel Acclamation: Palm Sunday Gospel Greeting

Preparation of the Gifts: What Wonderous Love Is This G 704

Eucharistic Acclamations: Missal Tones G 211, 212, 215 (Holy – We Proclaim – Amen)

Lamb of God: Missal Tones G 217

Communion Song: We Remember G 1005

Dismissal: Jesus, Remember Me G 804

An Invitation to Imitate | Friar Reflections | Fifth Sunday of Lent

Dear Parishioners,

Saints of God, the Lord be with you!

As we come quickly to the end of Lent, it seems to me that Jesus in today’s Gospel according to John (12:20-33) is giving reassurance to His disciples that what is about to happen, while horrible in their eyes, will in truth be his moment of glory. Jesus understands that his death will be the source of true and lasting life for all who put their faith in Him. He then challenges them to follow in His example of laying down their lives, not necessarily by dying, but by living a life of service, “whoever serves me must follow me, and where I am, there also will my servant be.” Yet there is more. This service that we render to others because we are followers of Jesus will give to us the honor of God the Father, “The Father will honor whoever serves me.” Think about that for a moment—God the Father will honor us for imitating His Son by serving one another!

The disciplines of Lent have invited us to serve our sisters and brothers. Through prayer we may have spent a bit more time praying for the needs of others rather than the wants of ourselves. By fasting we may have been able to donate a bit more food to the food pantry, or the St. Vincent de Paul Society. If we fasted from social media, or words of judgement, we may have had our eyes open to the needs of those around us and offered words of encouragement. We may have been a bit more generous in our almsgiving to our parish, or charities, or perhaps even to our homeless brothers and sisters outside our church door.

I have often heard from visitors how beautiful our church is. I always respond that even more beautiful are the parishioners not only because you put up with my nonsense, but because of the generosity of your hearts and hands. Think of the many liturgical ministries you are a part of (it takes a village of good people to put on good liturgy!). Think of the catechists, who with our parents, hand on the teachings and the practice of the faith. Think of the number of men and women who stand with our catechumens and those seeking full communion in the Catholic Church. Then think of the numbers of those men and women who are drawn to this parish to make this life changing decision, trusting you all with their lives.

Today’s Gospel tells us the Jesus knew His hour of glory had come when ‘some Greeks would like to see Jesus.’  Because of all those who come through our church doors, and are welcomed and find a home here, Christ continues to be glorified through YOU, the good people of Sacred Heart!

– Fr. Steve

Online Mass | Fifth Sunday of Lent

Music and Readings for the Fifth Sunday of Lent | March 17, 2024:

Opening Song: Lift High the Cross G 968

Penitential Rite: Missal tones (plus verses 5B, 4A for 10:30 a.m. Mass) G 201

C.L.O.W. Dismissal (9 a.m. only): Go Now In Peace

Psalm 51: Create a pure heart for me, a pure heart for me, O God.
(Text: Abbey Psalms & Canticles © 2010, 2018 USCCB; Music: © 2021, 2024, Philip Jakob)

10:30 a.m. Mass: Psalm 130: With the LORD there is mercy, in him is plentiful redemption.
(Text: Abbey Psalms & Canticles © 2010, 2018 USCCB; Music: © 2020, Philip Jakob)

Gospel Acclamation: Lent Gospel Greeting | Praise to you, LORD Jesus Christ, King of endless glory!

  • Year B (All Other Masses): Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, there my servant will be.
  • 10:30 a.m. Mass: I am the resurrection and the life, says the LORD; whoever believes in me will never die.

Preparation of the Gifts: Hosea G 514
10:30 a.m. Mass: Preparation of the Gifts: And You Pursue Me (Lowenthal)

Eucharistic Acclamations: Missal Tones G 211, 212, 215 (Holy – We Proclaim – Amen)

Lamb of God: Missal Tones G 217

Communion Song: Turn My Heart, O God G 721

Dismissal: From Ashes to the Living Font G 529