All posts by Rob Boelke

Sacred Heart Receives Angel Award From DOSP Catholic Charities

Each year, Catholic Charities of the Diocese of St. Petersburg honors organizations and individuals with their annual Angel Award. This award is presented to those who show an extraordinary commitment to the Gospel Mandate of helping those in need. On Saturday, Nov. 6, during the Ministries of Mercy Celebration of Life at St. Lawrence Catholic Church, Sacred Heart Church was recognized as the 2021 Angel Award recipient, in acknowledgement of its generous support of Catholic Charities through the contributions of its religious and parishioners in time, talent, and treasure. Accepting the award for the parish were Fr. Zack and volunteer Tom Henry.

From a letter announcing the award, sent by DOSP Catholic Charities Executive Director Maggie Rogers:

“In grateful recognition of Sacred Heart Catholic Church’s generous support of Catholic Charities through the generous support of its religious and parishioners in time, talent, and treasure, we would like to honor Sacred Heart with the Catholic Charities Angel Award. Sacred Heart was one of the first groups to adopt the temporary homeless shelter we created in response to the COVID pandemic, through providing weekly meals, volunteer drivers and donating tens of thousands of dollars of clothing and household items. This stewardship continued as your [Outreach Ministries] led a Christmas Decoration of our Mercy House location. Then, your parishioners donated requested items for the children of low-income farm workers living at Catholic Charities San Jose Mission in Dover. Finally, Sacred Heart has been a great partner in the early effort to fundraise for the permanent Tampa homeless shelter.”

We extend a heartfelt ‘thank you’ to our parish community for their dedication, kindness, and generosity. This award is a reflection of your efforts in spreading the Word.

To view a gallery from the event | 2021 Ministries of Mercy Celebration of Life

Online Mass – Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Thank you for participating in Sacred Heart’s Mass, whether in person or online. On this page you can find the readings for the Sunday celebration as well as the music for Mass.

  • Readings for the Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
  • Music for the Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
  • Contemporary Music for the Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Included in this week’s music document is a prayer for successful outcomes of the 26th annual U.N. Conference of the Parties on climate. For more on this important gathering, and how Pope Francis has been involved, click here.

On October 17, we began singing a new Glory to God  at most Masses. To preview the new arrangement, links to the sheet music and a recording have been added below.

  • Sheet Music for the new Glory to God from the NEW WINE Mass
  • Sample Recording of the new Glory to God from the NEW WINE Mass, as sung by the Catholic Primary School Choirs of Sheffield, England (Diocese of Hallam, 2010)

Sacred Heart Knights of Columbus to Offer Nativity Silhouettes

The Sacred Heart Knights of Columbus will be taking orders after each Mass for their annual outdoor Nativity silhouette fundraiser. Made of all-weather, fade-resistant, white PVC, you can proclaim “The Good News” (Mark 16:15) with these bright showpieces of the Holy Family throughout the Christmas season.

Silhouettes feature the saying “Tis the Reason for the Season” along the base, with Spanish translation available upon request. Silhouettes are available in two sizes, 4’x4’ for yards ($132), or 2’x2’ for exterior surfaces ($88).

Already have the Nativity? Additional pieces are available for purchase this year to add to your current set! Combinations include a shepherd/sheep set and a camel/donkey set (4’x4’ set for $88; 2’x2’ set for $44).

All items will be delivered by Dec. 1. A portion of the proceeds will benefit the charitable activities of the Knights of Columbus Sacred Heart Council 12110.

To order, click here | 2021 Sacred Heart KofC Nativity Sale

For more information contact Michael Cabrera at 813-389-6145 or via email.

The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls) – Nov. 2, 2021

Thank you for participating in Sacred Heart’s Mass. On this page you can find the readings for All Souls’ Day, as well as the music for Mass.

  • Readings for the All Souls’ Day
  • Music for the All Souls’ Day

Included in this Feast Day’s music document is a prayer for successful outcomes of the 26th annual U.N. Conference of the Parties on climate. For more on this important gathering, and how Pope Francis has been involved, click here.

On October 17, we began singing a new Glory to God  at most Masses. To preview the new arrangement, links to the sheet music and a recording have been added below.

  • Sheet Music for the new Glory to God from the NEW WINE Mass
  • Sample Recording of the new Glory to God from the NEW WINE Mass, as sung by the Catholic Primary School Choirs of Sheffield, England (Diocese of Hallam, 2010)

The Solemnity of All Saints – Nov. 1, 2021

Thank you for participating in Sacred Heart’s Mass. On this page you can find the readings for All Saints Day, as well as the music for Mass.

Included in this Feast Day’s music document is a prayer for successful outcomes of the 26th annual U.N. Conference of the Parties on climate. For more on this important gathering, and how Pope Francis has been involved, click here.

On October 17, we began singing a new Glory to God  at most Masses. To preview the new arrangement, links to the sheet music and a recording have been added below.

  • Sheet Music for the new Glory to God from the NEW WINE Mass
  • Sample Recording of the new Glory to God from the NEW WINE Mass, as sung by the Catholic Primary School Choirs of Sheffield, England (Diocese of Hallam, 2010)

Online Mass – Thirty-First Sunday In Ordinary Time

Thank you for participating in Sacred Heart’s Mass, whether in person or online. On this page you can find the readings for the Sunday celebration as well as the music for Mass.

  • Readings for the Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time
  • Music for the Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time
  • Contemporary Music for the Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time

Included in this week’s music document is a prayer for successful outcomes of the 26th annual U.N. Conference of the Parties on climate. For more on this important gathering, and how Pope Francis has been involved, click here.

On October 17, we began singing a new Glory to God  at most Masses. To preview the new arrangement, links to the sheet music and a recording have been added below.

  • Sheet Music for the new Glory to God from the NEW WINE Mass
  • Sample Recording of the new Glory to God from the NEW WINE Mass, as sung by the Catholic Primary School Choirs of Sheffield, England (Diocese of Hallam, 2010)

Pope Francis on COP26

Starting Oct. 31 and through Nov. 12, the 26th annual U.N. Conference of the Parties (COP26) regarding climate change will meet in Glasgow, Scotland. Earlier this month, Pope Francis hosted a two-day parliamentary meeting with the COP26 host nations of Italy and the UK to set a standard for the upcoming proceedings, saying “we owe our best efforts to future generations so they can live in hope.”

At our daily and weekend Masses during the next two weeks, you will hear special prayers for positive outcomes at COP26. The main prayer is listed below, and will be available in the Music sheets for the applicable dates on the “Readings and Hymns” section on our Online Mass page.

Prayer for the COP26 Conference:

Loving Creator,
at this moment in earth’s history
when humanity must take account of earth’s destiny,
give to those leaders who gather in Glasgow
a sense of urgency, a perception of necessity
and the wisdom and will to secure the health and wellbeing of the world
at whatever the cost to wealth, political advantage or prestige.

And give to us all
a vision of a world restored to full health
that is worthy of all those yet to be born
and worth all the work, sacrifice and commitment
which is ours to offer.

All Souls’ Day Candle Lighting 2021

All Souls’ Day, Nov. 2, is a wonderful occasion for us to remember our loved ones who have gone before us and to reflect on the mystery of the Resurrection. In remembering our loved ones in prayer, we affirm our belief that we will someday be reunited with them.

We invite you and everyone as a parish community to come pray and sing together in honoring our beloved deceased on Sunday, Nov. 21, at 3 p.m.

You may send in the name of your loved one via email to be included in our book of remembrance. Deadline for submission is Nov. 17. Unlike past years, candles will be available to all who attend. There is no charge for the candles.

We hope you will join us for this day of prayer, reflection, and celebration.

All Souls’ Day will be celebrated at both daily Masses (7:00 a.m., 12:10 p.m.) on Tuesday, Nov. 2. These Masses will be accompanied with music.

Online Mass – Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Thank you for participating in Sacred Heart’s Online Mass. On this page you can find the readings for the Sunday celebration as well as the music for Mass.

  • Readings for the Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
  • Music for the Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
  • Contemporary Music for the Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

On October 17, we began singing a new Glory to God  at most Masses. To preview the new arrangement, links to the sheet music and a recording have been added below.

  • Sheet Music for the new Glory to God from the NEW WINE Mass
  • Sample Recording of the new Glory to God from the NEW WINE Mass, as sung by the Catholic Primary School Choirs of Sheffield, England (Diocese of Hallam, 2010)

Choir Gets Ready to Sing Again

Dependent upon the continuing downward trends for COVID-19 cases, the long-awaited return of the parish choir, alongside the start of a new children’s choir will coincide with the beginning of Advent on Sunday, Nov. 28.

The children’s choir will support the 9 a.m. Mass each Sunday. Parents should have their children meet in the pews near the organ 30 minutes before Mass. Weekly rehearsals for the children’s choir are scheduled for Saturdays at 10 a.m. at the North Campus. Initial rehearsals are slated for Saturday, Nov. 20 and 27 at 10 a.m. at the North Campus.

The Parish Choir will support the 10:30 a.m. Mass each Sunday. Weekly rehearsals currently take place at 7 p.m. on Tuesdays at the North Campus. The first preparation meeting/rehearsal is on Tuesday, Nov. 16 at 7 p.m. at the North Campus.

To register, please contact our director of music, Philip Jakob, via email.