Category Archives: Parish News

(Updated) Statement from Bishop Gregory Parkes concerning the Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report

Updated statement from Bishop Parkes (August 17, 2018).

“I am saddened and angry to learn of the Pennsylvania Grand Jury report that spans a 70-year period and details tragic incidents by priests accused of abusing and exploiting children.

In response to this report and also the recent allegations against former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, I recommit my efforts to protecting youth and vulnerable adults from any type of abuse.

In the Diocese of St. Petersburg, we comply with the Charter for Protection of Children and Young People (Charter), which was adopted in June 2002 by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) that requires background screening and Safe Environment Program training for all who may have the care, responsibility, and/or supervision of Children and young people. Our diocese responds promptly to all credible allegations of abuse and removes the abuser from ministry. Additionally, we list the names of priests of the Diocese of St. Petersburg who have been accused of abuse on the Diocesan website.

I urge anyone who has been a victim of abuse by a member of the clergy or any representative of the Church to contact law enforcement and our victim assistance coordinator at 866-407-4505. Also, I urge anyone who is aware of abuse by a member of the clergy or representative of the Church to contact law enforcement and our victim assistance coordinator at 866-407-4505.

I pray for all victims of abuse around the nation and around the world. I also pray that the Church will learn from past mistakes to be able to safeguard the people we serve and to be authentic witnesses of charity, justice and truth.” (Bishop Gregory Parkes, Diocese of St. Petersburg)

Statement from Cardinal DiNardo and Bishop Doherty of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, August 14, 2018.

Save the Date – Diocesan Family Faith Fest

Have you seen our recent bulletin announcements about the Diocese of St. Petersburg’s Family Faith Fest? On Saturday, October 27th at Al Lopez Park, it’s the first event of its kind sponsored by the Diocese and will have live music, food, exhibits, activities for children and teens, the celebration of Mass, shopping, health displays, and much more.

This Family Faith Fest will bring together thousands of people from across Tampa Bay and West Central Florida, both families and adults of all ages. Mark your calendars and join us from 10:00 am – 6:00 pm. By joining together as one Body of Christ, we can all grow in faith and grow in unity!

TICKET INFORMATION:  The event is free, but registration is recommended to accommodate for parking and other amenities. Register for your tickets here.

OUTREACH: Fest-goers are asked to bring a non-perishable food item for the hungry and homeless of our community.

For more information, visit